The Void

The Void


Void Dimension adds a new dimension obviously called "The Void". You enter this dimension by falling in the void in any other dimension (End, Nether and modded dimension too).

If you find a bug report it please, so I will be able to fix it.

Here a complete description of all things added by this mod:

---------------------------------------------------------- [Version: 1.1.0] ----------------------------------------------------------

• Void Dimension:

An empty dimension without anything. Only one biome: The Void Biome. Void Ghast can appear in this dimension.

• Void Ghast:

A new mob that seems like a ghast but they can shoot Void Projectile. They also explode when they have less than half of their life, you can try to kill their before they explode to get a Void Projectile.

Void Ghast

• Void Projectile:

A new projectile tha can be shoot without any tool (like trident). When this projectile hurt an entity, it give the Void Ghost Effect.

• Void Ghost Effect:

When entity has this effect, it pass through the floor.

• Void Flint and Steel:

It is a custom flint and steel that allows to enable a nether portal in the Void dimension.

Void Flint and Steel Craft

• Void Seeds:

It can be crafted with one Void Projectile and they can be placed in a farmland. So it place Void Crops.

• Void Crops:

They grow in 3 steps and loot one Void Seed and one Void Projectile when broken at their last stage.

• Void Laser Machine:

It can be craft with 7 cobblestone, 1 Void Projectile and 1 glass block. When you place two Void Laser Machine in line, they make a Void Laser between them and when someone touch its Void Laser, it gives you the Void Ghost Effect.

Void Laser Machine Craft

• Void Stick:

It can be crafted with 1 stick and 8 Void Projectile around this stick. It can replace the vanilla stick in all recipes but it don't disappear when the item is crafted.

Void Stick Craft

• Void Rod:

It can be crafted with 1 Void Stick and 8 Void Projectile around the stick. It allows you to pass through floor and roof when right clicked. This item has only 10 uses.

Void Rod Craft

• Void Repairer:

It can be crafted with 1 anvil and 1 Void Projectile. It allows you to repair your Void Rod with one Void Projectile.

Void Repairer Craft

• They are also some achievement related to these things.

Notice that it mod have been created with the Mcreator tool so ther id maybe some bugs or compatibility error which you can report in the comments.