The Warp Mod - Forge

The Warp Mod - Forge


THE WARP MOD - FABRIC: Is now available:


It's a port of my Warp Mod for bukkit.  It allows teleporting to various warps or other players.   The mod does not need to be installed client-side.

This version of the mod is no longer being worked on....   For the latest version use the Fabric port of the Warp Mod.


Before You'll be able to use the mod you will need to, if in singleplayer, go into config and your name; if in multiplayer use /warp-config command in the servers console.


/warp set <name>  -- sets warp

/warp list --  lists all warps created in a simple form (EX: warp 1, warp 2)

/warp map -- lists all warps created in a verbose form (EX: warp 1:{ x: 155, y: 70, z: 155, dimension: overworld})

/warp invite <player> <warp name> -- invites a player to use your warp

/warp me <player> -- teleports you to a player

/warp <player> me -- teleports a player to you

/warp back -- when you teleport using warp a "warp back" is automatically created.

/warp random <max-distance(optional)> -- warps a random distance away, if a max distance is set it wont go beyond that.  !!!WARNING - Could kill your server!!

/warp remove <name> -- removes <name> warp

Config Commands:

/warp-config add <config-setting> <player>  --  Adds a Permission to a Player

/warp-config set <config-setting> <true/false>  --  Sets a boolean (true/false) value.

/warp-config get <config-setting>  -- Gets the Current Status of the Setting

EX: /warp-config get allowed-players -- This will return all players allowed to use warp mod or if no players then "No Players Are Allowed!" will appear.

EX #2: /warp-config set public-allowed true -- This will set if public warps are allowed

Frequented Q/A:

Q: Can I use this in a ModPack.

----- A: Yes!

Q: It says I don't have permission to use the mod.

----- A: Before You'll be able to use the mod you will need to, if in singleplayer, go into config and your name; if in multiplayer use /warp-config command in the servers console.

Q: If I have an error where is the best place to vocalize.

----- A: Posting in the Issues section would be the easiest way for me to notice, but I do read and reply to all comments. 

Config File

found in the config folder of your server/minecraft folder under Warps

 #All Configurations can be controlled with-in the game using the "/warp-config" Command
#You can add your username below under "players allowed to change config:" section or in server console with the "/warp-config add config-editors LittleBilly101"

#Sets if public warps are allowed.
#Public warps are created by the allowed player typing /warp set NAME_OF_WARP -p

#Sets players that are allowed to create public warps.
#Ex: (allowed-players-public:["LittleBilly101", "LittleBilly102"])
#You can also use * to signify all players are allowed
#Ex (allowed-players:["*"])


#Sets if the Mod verbosly states all of its moves


#Are All Players Allowed to use the Mod
#Ex: (allowed-players:["LittleBilly101", "LittleBilly102"]
#You can also use * to signify all players allowed
#Ex (allowed-players:["*"])


#Players allowed to change the config within game using /warp-config command
#The * Wildcard can NOT be used in this situation
#Ex (players allowed to change config:["LittleBilly101]"
players allowed to change config:[]