- 4
Crashes on startup
#22 opened by NovelPhacelia - 0
Server doesn't start
#21 opened by lumaa-dev - 3
polymer support
#6 opened by mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmaly - 4
Backrooms Level 0 not generating rooms.
#7 opened by BabblingFishes - 1
Building Current Version Myself
#9 opened by AnonymouseCow - 0
Camera HUD bug
#10 opened by lumaa-dev - 1
Silken Book
#11 opened by lumaa-dev - 0
Architectury API
#12 opened by lumaa-dev - 3
Mysterious crash on start
#14 opened by lumaa-dev - 1
Crashes on server
#15 opened by lumaa-dev - 1
Resource packs get unloaded by mod
#19 opened by ArduinoFan0 - 2
How to actually use the mod
#28 opened by Dashy22 - 1
Room changes & higher ceiling
#30 opened by thrasosc - 1
Crash after playing for a few minutes
#31 opened by gmikisilva