Thermal Smeltery

Thermal Smeltery



This is a very short mod that adds the capability to melt metals in the Thermal Expansion Crucible into Tinker's Construct Metals.

This mod dynamically adapts every TiCon Smeltery recipe to the Magma Crucible. In theory it should add recipes from mods adding TiCon Smeltery Recipe as well, including ExtraTCon.

Build Status

##Downloads Downloads are at CurseForge.


I'm totally cool with you adding the mod to Modpacks. You don't really need to tell me about it but feel free to PM me about it on the MCF anyway... :D

##ETA On Updates Hofstadter's law applies itself.

##Issue Reporting

Please include the following:

  • Minecraft version
  • Thermal Smeltery version
  • Forge version/build
  • Versions of any mods potentially related to the issue
  • Any relevant screenshots are greatly appreciated.
  • For crashes:
  • Steps to reproduce
  • ForgeModLoader-client-0.log (the FML log) from the root folder of the client

##Development Setup

  1. Fork/Clone and run gradlew [setupDevWorkspace|setupDecompWorkspace] [eclipse|idea]. This process will automatically download all the dependencies and set them up in your workspace.
  2. Open in IDE of your choice.
  3. Add -Dfml.coreMods.load=cofh.asm.LoadingPlugin to your launch options.

##Special Thanks

  • Matthewprenger and tterrag for helping me with my git and gradle derps.
  • Demoxin for helping out tremendously with the Magma Crucible recipes