this project currently stop because of data lost and i don't have time to recover it.
This is a mod i made in my Minecraft modding learning journey. Because of that, this mod will change over time.
To start my modding journey, i made my first block name "Block of Origin".
- 1.6.1: + (add); * (change); - (remove)
+ Add Bean natural spawn location: Plain, Forest, Jungle, Taiga. (rare and still a useless mob)
- 1.6: + (add); * (change); - (remove)
+ Add the first mob: Bean. Bean only spawn by spawn egg and command, will follow player for now.
- 1.5.3: + (add); * (change); - (remove)
+ Origin Infuse Netherite Shovel/Hoe now craftable with 8 Origin Stone surrounding Netherite Shovel/Hoe.
+ Origin Infuse Netherite Shovel Level up detail: increase dig speed every 1 level, can dig treasure after level 5 when dig or tilling block (5% chance), increase chance to dig a treasure every 5 level after level 5.
+ Origin Infuse Netherite Shovel Treasure Pool: Common (60%): Iron Nugget, Gold Nugget, Flint. Uncommon (30%): Iron Ingot, Gold Ingot, Ender Pearl, Ghast Tear. Rare (10%): Diamond, Emerald, Origin Shard.
+ Origin Infuse Netherite Hoe Level up detail: gain 3x3 tilling at level 1 can be toggled by shift + right click, can dig up bone/bone meal after level 2 (10% chance), increase chance to dig up bone/bone meal every 3 level after that.
+ Add command /tmswob setlevel 1-100 for testing.
- 1.5.2: + (add); * (change); - (remove)
+ Origin Infuse Netherite Axe now craftable with 8 Origin Stone surrounding Netherite Axe.
+ Origin Infuse Netherite Axe Level up detail: increase chop speed every 1 level, attack damage every 3 levels, attack speed every 5 levels.
+ Origin Infuse Netherite Pickaxe now gain ability to place torch at lv10 (consume durability), can be toggled by shift + right click.
- 1.5.1: + (add); * (change); - (remove)
+ Origin Infuse Netherite Pickaxe now craftable with 8 Origin Stone surrounding Netherite Pickaxe.
+ Origin Infuse Netherite Pickaxe Level up detail: increase dig speed every 1 level, luck every 2 levels, mining fatigue immunity at level 20.
- 1.5: + (add); * (change); - (remove)
+ Origin Infuse Netherite Sword/Pickaxe/Axe/Shovel/Hoe only Origin Infuse Netherite Sword is craftable with 8 Origin Stone surrounding Netherite Sword, the rest still in creative inventory.
+ Origin Stone now can be obtained by smelt Block of Origin in Blast Furnace.
+ Origin Infuse Netherite Sword Level up detail: increase attack every 1 level, attack speed every 3 levels, luck every 10 levels.
- 1.4.1: + (add); * (change); - (remove)
+ Origin Infuse Netherite Armor crafting recipe: 8 Origin Stone surrounding Netherite Armor.
+ Origin Infuse Netherite Armor now have "level up" system.
+ Origin Infuse Netherite Armor Level up detail: increase armor every 1 level, toughness every 3 levels, knockback resistance every 5 levels, health every 10 levels.
- 1.4: + (add); * (change); - (remove)
+ Origin Infuse Netherite Armor,just like netherite armor and only in creative inventory for now.
- 1.3.1: + (add); * (change); - (remove)
+ Origin Infuse Apple now instantly cure Zombie Piglin and change Witch back to Villager. (will have conversion time in the future when i know how to do it).
- 1.3: + (add); * (change); - (remove)
+ Add Origin Stone and Stairs, Slab, Pressure Plate, Button, Wall of it, all can be crafted with Origin Shard, they all can glow in the dark.
+ Enchanted Golden Apple now can be crafted with 8 Origin Stone and 1 Golden Apple.
+ Add Stairs, Slab, Pressure Plate, Button, Wall of Block of Origin, they all can glow in the dark.
- 1.2.1: Origin Infuse Apple now can be used to cure Zombie Villager without weakness effect. (right click a Zombie Villager with Origin Infuse Apple, weakness potion is not required)
- 1.2: Add Origin Infuse Apple, can be crafted with 1 Apple and 8 Origin Shard, will give player 10s of Regeneration II and 20s of Damage Resistance I when eat. Change the number of Origin Shard can be obtain by breaking Block of Origin from 1~3 to 1~2.
- 1.1: Add Origin Shard, a useless item. Block of Origin now will drop some Origin Shard when you mine it with Iron Pickaxe (or better) without Silk Touch enchantment.
- 1.0.2: Block of Origin now can glow in the dark. (not useless anymore)
- 1.0.1: Block of Origin now can be found in Overworld at Y = 5~15. Can be mined with Iron Pickaxe (or better) and need Silk Touch enchantment to obtain the block, otherwise it will give you some dirt. (Still a useless block)
- 1.0: Add Block of Origin, only in creative inventory.
Awesome persons who help me (Thank you ❤️):
- LiteWolf101 (aka Wufflez), Creator of: Illager+, Aztech.
- milomaz1, Creator of: Random Loot Mod, Better Slimes, Cosmic Armory,...
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