This Mod Start With One Block (TMSWOB)

This Mod Start With One Block (TMSWOB)


this project currently stop because of data lost and i don't have time to recover it.

This is a mod i made in my Minecraft modding learning journey. Because of that, this mod will change over time.

To start my modding journey, i made my first block name "Block of Origin".


- 1.6.1: + (add); * (change); - (remove)

+ Add Bean natural spawn location: Plain, Forest, Jungle, Taiga. (rare and still a useless mob)

- 1.6: + (add); * (change); - (remove)

+ Add the first mob: BeanBean only spawn by spawn egg and command, will follow player for now.

- 1.5.3: + (add); * (change); - (remove)

Origin Infuse Netherite Shovel/Hoe now craftable with 8 Origin Stone surrounding Netherite Shovel/Hoe.

Origin Infuse Netherite Shovel Level up detail: increase dig speed every 1 level, can dig treasure after level 5 when dig or tilling block (5% chance), increase chance to dig a treasure every 5 level after level 5.

Origin Infuse Netherite Shovel Treasure Pool: Common (60%): Iron Nugget, Gold Nugget, Flint. Uncommon (30%): Iron Ingot, Gold Ingot, Ender Pearl, Ghast Tear. Rare (10%): Diamond, Emerald, Origin Shard.

Origin Infuse Netherite Hoe Level up detail: gain 3x3 tilling at level 1 can be toggled by shift + right click, can dig up bone/bone meal after level 2 (10% chance), increase chance to dig up bone/bone meal every 3 level after that.

+ Add command /tmswob setlevel 1-100 for testing.

- 1.5.2: + (add); * (change); - (remove)

Origin Infuse Netherite Axe now craftable with 8 Origin Stone surrounding Netherite Axe.

Origin Infuse Netherite Axe Level up detail: increase chop speed every 1 level, attack damage every 3 levels, attack speed every 5 levels.

Origin Infuse Netherite Pickaxe now gain ability to place torch at lv10 (consume durability), can be toggled by shift + right click.

- 1.5.1: + (add); * (change); - (remove)

Origin Infuse Netherite Pickaxe now craftable with 8 Origin Stone surrounding Netherite Pickaxe.

Origin Infuse Netherite Pickaxe Level up detail: increase dig speed every 1 level, luck every 2 levels, mining fatigue immunity at level 20.

- 1.5: + (add); * (change); - (remove)

Origin Infuse Netherite Sword/Pickaxe/Axe/Shovel/Hoe only Origin Infuse Netherite Sword is craftable with 8 Origin Stone surrounding Netherite Sword, the rest still in creative inventory.

Origin Stone now can be obtained by smelt Block of Origin in Blast Furnace.

Origin Infuse Netherite Sword Level up detail: increase attack every 1 level, attack speed every 3 levels, luck every 10 levels.

- 1.4.1: + (add); * (change); - (remove)

Origin Infuse Netherite Armor crafting recipe: 8 Origin Stone surrounding Netherite Armor.

Origin Infuse Netherite Armor now have "level up" system.

Origin Infuse Netherite Armor Level up detail: increase armor every 1 level, toughness every 3 levels, knockback resistance every 5 levels, health every 10 levels.

- 1.4: + (add); * (change); - (remove)

Origin Infuse Netherite Armor,just like netherite armor and only in creative inventory for now.

- 1.3.1: + (add); * (change); - (remove)

+ Origin Infuse Apple now instantly cure Zombie Piglin and change Witch back to Villager. (will have conversion time in the future when i know how to do it).

- 1.3: + (add); * (change); - (remove)

+ Add Origin Stone and Stairs, Slab, Pressure Plate, Button, Wall of it, all can be crafted with Origin Shard, they all can glow in the dark.

+ Enchanted Golden Apple now can be crafted with 8 Origin Stone and 1 Golden Apple.

+ Add Stairs, Slab, Pressure Plate, Button, Wall of Block of Origin, they all can glow in the dark.

- 1.2.1: Origin Infuse Apple now can be used to cure Zombie Villager without weakness effect. (right click a Zombie Villager with Origin Infuse Apple, weakness potion is not required) 

- 1.2: Add Origin Infuse Apple, can be crafted with 1 Apple and 8 Origin Shard, will give player 10s of Regeneration II and 20s of Damage Resistance I when eat. Change the number of Origin Shard can be obtain by breaking Block of Origin from 1~3 to 1~2.

- 1.1: Add Origin Shard, a useless item. Block of Origin now will drop some Origin Shard when you mine it with Iron Pickaxe (or better) without Silk Touch enchantment.

- 1.0.2: Block of Origin now can glow in the dark. (not useless anymore)

- 1.0.1: Block of Origin now can be found in Overworld at Y = 5~15. Can be mined with Iron Pickaxe (or better) and need Silk Touch enchantment to obtain the block, otherwise it will give you some dirt. (Still a useless block)

- 1.0: Add Block of Origin, only in creative inventory. 

Awesome persons who help me (Thank you ❤️):

LiteWolf101 (aka Wufflez), Creator of: Illager+, Aztech.

milomaz1, Creator of: Random Loot Mod, Better Slimes, Cosmic Armory,...

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