- 3
Forge 1.7.10 (1448+) Missing Fluid Registry
#3 opened by egeis - 6
Problem with rendering (Thutcore)
#4 opened by solarregis - 4
Crash with forge 1.9-
#5 opened by Enohpoxas - 12
View Bobbing gets disabled but not re-enabled
#6 opened by FireEgl - 2
tesla just got updated today tp 1.10.2-
#7 opened by kreezxil - 5
crash upon startup (1.10.2)2041
#8 opened by SDUBZ - 4
Crash making elevator with fences/glass panes/ iron bars
#9 opened by MechWarrior99 - 11
Suffocation Damage Taken when a wall is next to the elevator.
#11 opened by WenXin20 - 5
[1.10] ThutCore crashes on startup with recommended Forge version
#12 opened by wmrojer - 2
[Suggestion] RF Support
#10 opened - 5
[1.10.2] Ticking Entity Crash
#13 opened by mzx987 - 2
OP commands
#14 opened by knoxhack - 5
[1.10.2] Elevators tend to move in a different direction
#15 opened by mzx987 - 13
Invisible Blocks?
#16 opened by RobertLSnead - 2
[1.10.2] Initializing crash
#17 opened by medsal15 - 1
Thut Wearables GUI is shown above JEI / Inventory Tooltips
#18 opened by robaimes - 1
#19 opened by p455w0rd - 14
1.10.2 If I fall from just a few blocks high i will fall through a stationary elevator
#20 opened by LordHellscream - 0
#21 opened by C0rn3j - 1
Random Invisible Entities
#22 opened by P3rf3ctXZer0 - 7
[Suggestion] Synchronize doors actions and elevator movements. And little more.
#23 opened by Dushess - 2
Set "view bobbing" to what it was before getting on elevator.
#24 opened by MechWarrior99 - 1
[Localization] Missing localization
#2 opened by Vexatos