


Each web shooter has its own coefficient of elasticity of the web.
You can pull the web in 2 ways
1. Hold down the LSHIFT key and turn the mouse wheel. In this variant, the player pulls the web in place.
2. Slingshoot.

2. Changing the length of the web
As the length of the web increases, particles will appear.
1. Turn the mouse wheel

3. Acceleration
1. During the swing, hold the LSHIFT
2. LSHIFT + mouse wheel
3. You can change the overall speed by pressing the U key

4. Enable thwip mod
1. To thwip, first you need to change the mode. To do this, press the T key. When switching to thwip mode, you will not be able to use the mouse wheel to change the item.

5. To thwip
Left mouse button - thwip from the left web-shooter
Right mouse button - thwip from the right web-shooter

6. Changing cartridges
1. Make sure that your inventory contains a bio-cable
2. Press the R key

7. Web-ball
1. To use web ball, you need to thwip quickly. Web-ball appears when the length of the web does not exceed 10m.

8. Disabling inertia
Disabling inertia helps if you want to have more control over flights
1. Press the I key

9. The Endless web
1. Command /endlessweb true

1. You can use this mod together with Heroes Expansion, to do this, install the additional Baubles mod. Put a web shooter in any Baubles slot
2. To make the city seem more monumental, set the fov to 45-55.
3. Install the tickratechanger mod, and set the tick rate to 17. This will make the acceleration of free fall in minecraft more realistic.
4. Install the realfirstperson mod for a more realistic first-person view.