Tick Counter | Smart Counter

Tick Counter | Smart Counter



A Minecraft mod that counts both redstone and game ticks for you. ~ DëvJG#3989

Download and how to use

The download of the jar is here: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/tick-counter
For the explanation on how to use it check out this video, or just read the link above: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s_lqDkAdbF4&ab_channel=DevJG-Cannoning
I'm not going to explain how to install it, it's just a forge mod - google it.


This is not a discord JUST for this mod, it's my whole development discord For any development related issues/bugs/suggestions please visit: https://discord.gg/b35rQvS
For any Minecraft Cannon related: https://discord.gg/hk8W88h

Latest changes (v1.2.5)

  • Performance improvements
  • Fixed survival bug where the hotbar rendered a different colour
  • Centered string that gets rendered when activated (properly this time)
  • Merged classes together in the code


  • Make a GUI where you can change things such as where the text renders and the colour of it.