Ticket printer

Ticket printer


This mod is a my new project. 

1. Ticket printer is a block with some special abilities - prints tickets.

Ticket printer interactions -

1.1. Right click with iron ingot, if you have 1 paper in the inventory 1 iron ingot and 1 paper will be removed, 1 piece of gold ticket will be added.

1.2. Right click with gold ingot, if you have 1 paper in the inventory 1 gold ingot and 1 paper will be removed, 1 piece of emerald ticket will be added.

1.3. Right click with emerald, if you have 1 paper in the inventory 1 emerald and 1 paper will be removed, 1 piece of diamond ticket will be added.

2.Pieces of tickets are the items which you can use to craft full tickets

Recipes (crafting table)

2.1. 9 pieces of gold ticket - gold ticket

2.2. 9 pieces of emerald ticket - emerald ticket

2.3. 9 pieces of diamond ticket - diamond ticket

3. Tickets are the items, right-click with them on the block to earn 1 material like a name 


3.1. Right - click on any block with gold ticket to earn 1 gold

3.2. Right - click on any block with emerald ticket to earn 1 emerald

3.3. Right - click on any block with diamond ticket to earn 1 diamond

4. Advancements can be earned by doing something in my mod

4.1. Craft a ticket printer

4.2. Earn a gold using the gold ticket

4.3. Earn an emerald using the emerald ticket

4.4. Earn a diamond using the diamond ticket

In images you can find creative tab look, all items textures, interacts and recipes