Time Manipulation

Time Manipulation


I recently realized that there weren't any 1.16.5/1.18.2 time stop mods, so i made my own! A huge thanks goes to "TheDatapackMaker" for his inspiration on how to make a time stop work (Here is his youtube channel, make sure to check him out ;) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZmHgbzfSuv-mpf1wNUF5LA )

So what does this mod add? Well, you can manipulate time in three different ways: 

1. Stopping: time will stop moving for 15 seconds

2. Rewinding: time will rewind only for the player doing the action your hp, hunger, saturation and location will return to your last checkpoint in time

3. Skipping: all entities will advance 7 blocks (unless they find any obstacle), ideally skipping 7 seconds

To craft these items you need chronium (from the greek word "chronos / "χρόνος"), which can only be found in small quantities in the outer end islands, making it an end-game resource

The craftings are visible using JEI (i hope), to use any feature just right click the clock!


PS: you can leave any suggestions in the comments and if you find a bug make sure to report it in the comments as well!

 PPS: this mod is for forge and forge only, i'm not planning to make a fabric port anytime soon