Time Stages

Time Stages


[Bug]: ZS will not load "cannot evaluate a package as expression"

ma230 opened this issue ยท 0 comments


General Info

  • I am running a modpack
  • I can reproduce this issue consistently in single-player
  • I can reproduce this issue consistently in multi-player
  • I have searched for this issue previously and it was either (1) not previously reported, or (2) previously fixed and I am having the same problem.
  • I am crashing and can provide my crash report(s)
  • I am using the latest version of the mod

Forge version


Minecraft version


Mod version


Java version


Issue Description

What i expected:
I expected the zen script to load without error

What happens:
I get the following error when loading the below zen script, note that several other parts are working towards the top of the file :) though none of them involve timestages, only crafttweaker

misc.zs:129:0: misc.zs:129:0: Cannot evaluate a package as expression
(note that i get the same error for all three lines, 129, 130 and 131 that you see below:

Script lines:
// Time Stages by Mrbysco
//There's also a silent version of each which won't announce in chat:
mods.TimeStages.addSilentTimer("Id4", "neededStage" ,"UnlockedStage" ,30 ,"seconds");
mods.TimeStages.addSilentTimer("Id5", "neededStage1" ,"UnlockedStage1" ,30 ,"seconds", true);
mods.TimeStages.silentRemovalTimer("Id6", "removedStage" ,30 ,"seconds");

Additional Information

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