Allows stages to be unlocked/locked with a timer.
Downloads will be located on CurseForge
// Makes you gain a stage 30 seconds after getting the needed stage.
mods.timestages.Timers.addTimer("UniqueID", "neededStage" ,"UnlockedStage" ,30 ,"seconds");
// Makes you gain a stage 30 seconds after getting the needed stage and remove the original required stage.
mods.timestages.Timers.addTimer("UniqueID", "neededStage" ,"UnlockedStage" ,30 ,"seconds", true);
// Removes a stage after 20 minutes.
mods.timestages.Timers.removalTimer("UniqueID", "removedStage" ,20 ,"minutes");
// Removes a stage after 20 minutes without putting a message in chat.
mods.timestages.Timers.silentRemovalTimer("UniqueID", "removedStage" ,20 ,"minutes");
// Makes you gain a stage 30 seconds after getting the needed stage without putting a message in chat.
mods.timestages.Timers.addSilentTimer("UniqueID", "neededStage" ,"UnlockedStage" ,30 ,"seconds");
// Makes you gain a stage 30 seconds after getting the needed stage and remove the original required stage without putting a message in chat.
mods.timestages.Timers.addSilentTimer("UniqueID", "neededStage" ,"UnlockedStage" ,30 ,"seconds", true);