Timelimit Mod

Timelimit Mod


This mod is still in development. In this state, you cannot reset the time of offline players. So you will have to reset the time of the players when they are connected.

Timelimit BannerThe Timelimit mod created for minecraft JAVA and FORGE, adds a game time system to minecraft. With this mod you can regulate the time that people can play on your server

Main features:

  • Prevent players with no time left joining the server.
  • Kick players out of time.
  • Define a specific reset time.
  • Action bar information message.
  • Command to turn on/off time out kick.
  • Command to check the remaining time and total time of all players.
  • Commands to add/take/set time to players.
  • Command to reset the time of players.


/timelimit add (player, @p, @a...) (hours or minutes or seconds...) (time amount) - This command adds time to the counter.
/timelimit take (player, @p, @a...) (hours or minutes or seconds...) (time amount) - This command takes time from the counter.
/timelimit set (player, @p, @a...) (hours, min and sec...) - This command sets a time for the counter.
/timelimit totaltime (player, @p, @a...) - Shows the total playing time of the selected player.
/timelimit display (player, @p, @a...) - This command displays the time indicator on the action bar.
/timelimit timepassing (player, @p, @a...) - This command disables the passage of time for the selected player.
/timelimit timeoutkick - This command disables the timeout kick. when it is deactivated and the counter reaches 0 it does not kick you out.
/timelimit setgeneraltime (hours, min and sec...) - This command sets the time players will have when they first enter or there is a reset.
/timelimit resetgeneraltime - This command resets the game time set in the general command for all players.
/timelimit setdecreaselevel (1, 2, 3 ... 10) - This command sets the decrement rate of the counter. Normally it is 1 so that the time flows normally.


Remaining Time

Remaining Time

All Commands in game:

Time out kick:

Social Networks:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/unaistudio

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqEgUBTAi89_FTpDScx4Xww