Caves and Katanas

Caves and Katanas


Caves and Katanas

This mod adds a few katanas to Minecraft, which have a faster attack speed and do a little bit less damage than their sword counterparts.

This mod adds wood, stone, iron, gold, emerald, diamond and netherite katanas, along with some special katanas.

The special katanas are copper, quartz, coldtana(packed ice), magma, coaltana(coal block), glowstone(glowstone block).

Some katanas have special abilities:

Coaltana: Gives temporary blindness on hit

Coldtana: Gives temporary slowness on hit

Magma Katana: Sets enemies on fire on attack

Katana of Ice and Fire: Sets enemies on fire on attack and gives temporary slowness on hit


To craft a katana, you need a handle and a katana blade.

A handle is crafted by combining a stick with a piece of leather.

A blade is crafted with the katana's respective material in a stonecutter.

      The katana blade is then crafted with 3 blades:

     Final, you can put the blade and the handle together to craft your katana.