TinkerLeveling breaks Refined Storage autocrafting
PatiHox opened this issue ยท 2 comments
I am running Minecraft 1.16.5 with Forge 36.2.39, my mod list is as follows:
- Just Enough Items
- Mantle 1.6.157
- Refined Storage 1.9.18
- Tinker Leveling 0.2.0
- Tinkers' Construct
Issue description:
After installing Tinker Leveling it is no longer possible to autocraft items in Refined Storage.
Steps to reproduce
- Using RS's Crafting Grid create pattern for crafting refinedstorage:raw_basic_processor and pattern for refinedstorage:basic_processor
- Insert these patterns into RS's Crafter block
- Try to request crafting refinedstorage:basic_processor
Expected result
Resources needed for crafting refinedstorage:raw_basic_processor are displayed
Actual result
Missing refinedstorage:raw_basic_processor message is displayed
Fixed in #7