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[bug] crossbow doesnt gain xp
#18 opened by BamsTheSergal - 0
Feature parity with the various iterations
#1 opened by Xetaxheb - 4
Makes items unstackable.
#2 opened by MrFieldBird - 2
Bow's xp go wrong
#4 opened by tgh666 - 1
Armor Slots not appearing.
#5 opened by Scrapshard - 2
TinkerLeveling breaks Refined Storage autocrafting
#6 opened by PatiHox - 4
Crash [1.16.5] Error: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Tag tconstruct:modifiable used before it was bound
#9 opened by JNCHGTR - 2
Shield not gaining experience.
#10 opened by border999 - 2
Configurate tool levels
#12 opened by 0MrCunha0 - 1
1.16.5 version not working
#13 opened by AbdulsttarFoxDev - 1
Game crashes on shearing sheep with kama
#14 opened by IisMANN - 0
cant recycle tool
#15 opened by TheKidThatCodes - 0
Game Crashes While using Tinkers' Archery
#16 opened by Josiahisnerd - 0
Suggestion: leveling slimelytra
#17 opened by hohserg1