Tinkers' Steelworks (fork)

Tinkers' Steelworks (fork)


[Question/Feature request] Adding custom melting recipes using oxidizers, reducers and/or purifiers plus ores.

Invincible92 opened this issue ยท 0 comments


Hi @ephys :

After searching through the Minetweaker commands/handlers for Tinkers Steelworks one can use for introducing smelting operations or creating alloys, I came with a question: can be added a minetweaker command for adding a smelting recipe that uses ore + oxidizer + reducer + purifier? For example, I would add the creation of molten pig iron from iron ore + gunpowder (or any oxidizer) + calcium carbonate (or any reducer) and sand (or any purifier).

If possible, it would be a really nice feature.

Edit: Also, for the mixing part, can be added a value of temperature in order to obtain the mixing recipe?

Thank you for your attention