![Tinkers' Steelworks (fork)](https://media.forgecdn.net/avatars/thumbnails/21/776/256/256/635732386455948870.png)
- 4
Tinkers Steelworks 1.0.7 & Cookiecore 1.3.0 crash
#65 opened by ReeseRiverson - 2
Register limestone as limestone in oredictionary?
#66 opened by ChatFawkes - 2
Steel Golems
#68 opened by wisthy - 1
Entity ID Conflict
#69 opened by buymytoasters - 1
"Ingots per ore" don't work
#70 opened by renard162 - 5
block of charcoal not accepted
#71 opened by Kenshij - 1
Steel recipe
#72 opened by Voidi - 2
Steel recipe bug
#73 opened by zerotheliger - 1
Steam Turbine Issues
#76 opened by InkDragon - 1
Steel ingot output is wrong
#77 opened by sihawken - 2
book shows scorched stone in seared stone recipe
#78 opened by kotoroshinoto - 1
Fundamental Recipe Bug
#81 opened by Voidi - 1
[request] smelt all ores at same time?
#79 opened by KinamKrindar - 2
[bug?] Using scorched ducts to export slag doesn't push to chest
#80 opened by KinamKrindar - 1
Client Crash
#82 opened by firedraken - 1
Slabs are not stackable
#83 opened by ephys - 1
High oven won't smelt unless GUI is open.
#84 opened by 0PT1K5 - 5
Crash with Cookie Core
#85 opened by TorakWolf - 1
Crash on start up with Thaumcraft
#86 opened by KIdWither - 2
Fatal Crash On Startup
#87 opened - 1
Having some troubles....
#88 opened - 5
Crash on server and client startup
#89 opened by LordPinkerton - 1
Oven produces too much steel
#90 opened by Baughn - 3
cannot access high oven controller
#91 opened by kotoroshinoto - 1
question : what do the + and - buttons do on the high oven?
#92 opened by kotoroshinoto - 0
high oven output [scorched bricks] using coal & sand pops out as item even when duct is set to accept output
#93 opened by kotoroshinoto - 13
Crash in stated up
#95 opened by minuzzz - 4
Ex Nihilo ores output too much
#97 opened by Timeslice42 - 3
[Request] Add Blood Magic lava crystal to high oven fuel whitelist
#98 opened by Timeslice42 - 1
Crash with message: Expecting a stackmap frame in CementFluidBlock.func
#99 opened by trollusk - 0
Compress large textures
#102 opened by ephys - 3
Thermal Smeltery compatability issue
#103 opened by Timeslice42 - 1
TSteelworks does not like new railcraft
#105 opened by plaguewolf - 3
Fluid registry issue with Mariculture and TSteelworks: Value Already Present: limestone:molten.
#106 opened by belathus - 1
Conflict with galacticraft
#107 opened by wmgarden76 - 4
bug? High Oven will not melt metals different from what is already inside.
#108 opened by mkire - 0
High oven client sync issue
#109 opened by Timeslice42 - 2
Sulfur is not consumed when making steel
#110 opened by KnightMiner - 2
Railcraft and Thaumcraft crash
#111 opened by medsal15 - 0
Contenance per glass type missing
#112 opened by Palingenae - 2
Immersive Engineering Coal Coke in High Oven
#113 opened by aerialspring - 2
Slabs are incorrectly implemented
#115 opened by KnightMiner - 2
High Oven shows no progress in version in
#118 opened by donqixot - 0
gradle console dont compile
#119 opened by Bogdan-G - 2
Coal coke block uses incorrect OreDict name
#120 opened by KnightMiner - 0
Issue with Manual book formatting after code style update
#121 opened by joye-ramone - 0
Tsteelworks conflict with agricraft
#122 opened by lightning02 - 0
[Question/Feature request] Adding custom melting recipes using oxidizers, reducers and/or purifiers plus ores.
#123 opened by Invincible92 - 0
minetweaker3 documentation verification
#124 opened by usafphoenix - 0
Some error in the console
#125 opened by lightning02