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Ink Sacs turn/unify into Bonemeal
stardustrider opened this issue ยท 9 comments
If you kill a squid, it drops bonemeal (or it drops ink sacs, which turn into bonemeal almost instantly).
If you hold ink sacs, they'll change to bonemeal in your inventory fairly quickly (very similar to GregTech's oredictionary unification behaviour).
Using the 1.1.0-6 build from: http://tehnut.info/jenkins/job/TSteelworks/
It could be a weird mod compatibility issue, but as soon as I removed Steelworks, it stopped occuring.
What mods do you have installed ? (if the pack still exists, sorry I took so long to reply)
Same issue here. I have a few of the same mods. AE, AE:Extra Cells, Bibliocraft and addons, BoP, Buildcraft, Carpenter's Blocks, all CoFH mods, Cookie Core, Extra Utilities, Forestry, FMP, iChunUtil, IC2. Gregtech, JABBA, Mantle, MFR, MineTweaker, ModTweaker, MobiusCore, NEI, OpenBlocks, OpenComputers, OpenModsLib, Railcraft, Steves Carts, Tinkers' Construct, Iguana Tinker Tweaks, Tinkers' Steelworks, Tinkers' Mechworks, Translocator.
That narrows down the list a little bit. For now I've just made a recipe for Ink using minetweaker Bonemeal-ink
Disabling the unification specifically for bonemeal and ink saks didn't stop it from occuring. That was my first port of call too when I noticed it occuring. That, and the fact it only occurs when Steelworks is present points to it not being Greg.
I did some testing and found out it is GT, but only happens when TSteelworks is installed. I fixed it by changing:
B:dustBone_false=false to
B:dustBone_false=true in the GT unification config.
It's weird how it's turned off by default.
It's caused by this: https://github.com/Ephys/TinkersSteelworks/blob/672b129840f635864b0f1db86fb55ed684e1ebdc/src/main/java/toops/tsteelworks/common/plugins/tconstruct/TCSmeltery.java#L122
Wrong metadata, it's supposed to be 15 not 0