Tiny Redstone

Tiny Redstone


[feature request] redstone hole and redstone rod.

lublak opened this issue ยท 5 comments


This idea, or rather the components, is not really vanilla.
The redstone hole allows the signal to be taken or sent from under the panel.
The redstone rod allows the signal to be taken or sent above the panel.


closed for: #53


I had actually been considering this as well and like it as an alternative to 3d space. Not being able to output up or down is definitely a limitation I want to address. One obstacle is figuring out how to make the long rods not look out of place next to all the tiny components.

FYI: Another idea I've been thinking about is allowing vertical placement. I love the idea of having a wall of circuits. This gets challenging because of having to translate everything to 6 possible directions (with ceiling placement as well), but it's a feature I really want to have.


Yes a long road would look stupid.
Unfortunately, I do not yet know how best to design it.
Maybe I have another dazzling idea for it.


After re-reading your idea about your vertical redstone, I think it's the best idea.
So that you can pin the panels to the wall.


At the moment it feels rather strange to work with it. As a thought perhaps: placing a "straight" redstone connection at the edge.
So basically it's from the back +1 left, right,top,bottom.
The edge could be the redstone hole alternative.
In combination with vertical placment, a redstone pole would not be necessary.
One would then only have to think about how the panels would behave. You can only get to the edge if you can click on it.
You could then use the wrench or an extra item. Screwdriver?
To make it visual from above, half a lump could be rendered at this point.

The lump:

How it not works:

How it works:

Redstone on the edge?