Experimental Fabric port of TinyInv.
TinyInv is a mod that allows you to reduce the number of available inventory slots, decrease the number of hotbar slots, and disable the offhand slot in a relatively "mod-friendly" way.
Due to the lack of proper (and synced) config system in Fabric, the number of slots is controlled by gamerules - hotbarSize, inventorySize, armorStartID, disableOffhand, countSlotsFromStart and excludeCreativeModePlayers. Client-side settings are still inside a config file (tininv_fabric_client.json). Keep in mind that the Fabric version does not allow you to increase the number of hotbar slots. If you change the gamerules using the /gamerule command, all players that were online during the change must reconnect to the world, otherwise, they will encounter bugs (such as not being able to use certain slots).
The mod replaces the "disabled" slots in all containers with "FakeSlots", which can not be interacted with. Therefore the mod should work with the majority of mods (unless they do some bigger changes to the way the containers work). The player's inventory size is technically unchanged, however, when an item is present in some of the "disabled" slots, the item is thrown out of your inventory. The mod tries by default to hide the unused slots. This can be turned off in the config file ("fakeSlotOverlay").