- 1
Spelling error in en_US.lang
#5 opened by Dissgruntled - 2
[Suggestion] "Tip book" item
#7 opened by ProspectPyxis - 2
Configurable time for tips
#8 opened by IronPiston - 1
Suggestion: allow tips to show in the pause menu
#9 opened by Vazkii - 1
Tip formatting can extend to the second line
#10 opened by Vazkii - 1
Allow custom localized tips
#12 opened by misterplus - 5
[1.16.3] CME client crash -
#22 opened by ProsperCraft - 3
Some way to manually view tips
#28 opened by EXPerience255 - 1
Suggestion: Centered Tips
#29 opened by VanillaChan6571 - 3
Config toggle to disable default tips
#32 opened by aaronhowser1 - 2
Dynamic Tip Cycle Speed
#33 opened by Brittank88 - 3
Tip Cycling Progress Bar
#34 opened by Brittank88 - 1
No tips ahve loaded
#35 opened by pjlasl - 1
Syntax for disabling tips
#37 opened by EnderMelody - 2
[Suggestion] Add localization support.
#1 opened by monodemono - 1
[Suggestion] Allow text box growth direction and width customization
#2 opened by justinrusso