Title: TKBS-Commands
Author: TKBS
Date: 27 April 2023
Version: Beta 1
Game: Minecraft Java (1.16.5)
Dependencies: Forge (36.2.39)
- Adds commands to support the default "/Locate" command
- save and re-load locations from the pre-determined location names
- teleport to those destinations
- has death co-ords but no dimension switch support.
Notes: Personal use mod, similar may already exist, No grave stones. Nice & Simple, no bloated stuff.
Contents: The mod .jar "TKBS-Commands-##.jar"
Tools: Photoshop, BlockBench, Notepad++, Forge, eclipse, java.
Construction: TKBS-Modkit started around 1.15, updated within the past year to 1.16.5. This is another 5minutes mini-mod from it.
Site1: [https://tkbs.uk]
Site2: [https://unrealbyfusilade.wordpress.com]
YouTube: [https://www.youtube.com/c/WildPsyduck]
Discord: [https://discord.gg/rSxHyyUZ]
Twitch: [https://www.twitch.tv/tkbs]
- Add mod to mods folder & profit
- type "Set" or "Return" to save and teleport (to) locations respectively
Report issues/ suggestions or contribute on discord.