Toggle Blocks

Toggle Blocks


Toggle Blocks is a complete rewrite of the mod originally created by TheApathetic, who stopped updating long ago. The original Toggle Blocks mod is loosely based on the mod ControllerBlock. The mod allows you to switch out a number of block with the flick of a switch (Literally).

The Basics

Place down a Toggle Block controller you you will recieve some Change Blocks, place these down wherever you like. The Change Block will face the side you placed it on. Right-click the Toggle Block controller to open the configuration GUI.

Choose what shall be placed when the redstone signal is on, and off, by putting blocks into the two slots on the left, and make sure the storage contains some of said items.

The Toggle Block controller will also search through adjacent chests for the blocks to place. On the right side of the GUI you can choose the controllers storage priorities.

Once the Toggle Block controller has been configured press the "Toggle Mode" button to turn it to "Ready". When the controller is provided with a redstone signal, the "On" block will be placed. When the redstone signal is cut off the "Off" block will be placed.

Clicking the "Toggle Mode" button again will turn it back to "Editing" mode, which will place the Change Blocks back so you can move the around.

Change Blocks

Right-clicking a Change Block while crouching will make the Change Block face the opposite side of the one you clicked on. So, click the top side, and it will face downward, click the north side and it will face south etc.

You can also make each individual Change Block place down a different block. Right-click the Change Block to open up its configuration GUI.

Pressing the "Override" buttons lets you override the state for this particular Change Block without affecting the other ones. Put the block you want the Change Block to place inti the state you want to override.

Different Sizes

Toggle Blocks comes in 6 different sizes: Tiny, Small, Medium, Large, Huge and Creative. They can hold 5, 15, 30, 50, 100 and infinite Change Blocks respectively.

The creative Toggle Block is only available in creative mode, through the Redstone creative tab.

Different Toggle Blocks