Matthysse opened this issue ยท 3 comments
Hello !
I have an error from Forge on game startup :
The error is saying that that "YELLOW_HIBISCUS_SCENTED_CANDLE" does not exist, which is a reference call to the BuzzierBees mod. Have you downloaded a newer version of that mod? I don't see any updates on there CurseForged page, but if you have a version other than BuzzierBees 1.4 that could be causing the the issues. since if they removed or changed the name of that blocks registry it would cause an error.
As a stop gap I'll put up some proper error catching to just skip over blocks that don't exist instead of crashing on start up.
Alright here is a kick dirty early version you can try out that just skips the parts with error. I still would like to change a few other things for a full release that will give me informative debugging message in the future.