- 0
Framed Blocks
#33 opened by mouse0270 - 0
[1.12.2] Broken Compatibility with Future MC
#34 opened by Jerome226 - 3
has no proper tool and loottable
#35 opened by Sunekaer - 4
Mod-Loading-Error [1.19] [Forge 41.0.110]
#37 opened by DancerVlt69 - 1
Support for slabs and torches from other mods.
#38 opened by MagmaBro123 - 0
[1.19.2] Lantern can't be break with pickaxe
#40 opened by Axelouuu-dev - 3
Torches cannot be seen by Hwyla
#1 opened by WenXin20 - 4
Support for end rods
#2 opened by tyra314 - 1
[1.15.2] Torches think every solid block is a slab.
#3 opened by Gbergz - 1
Torches can be placed partially inside other blocks
#4 opened by WenXin20 - 6
Torches/Lanterns on Lilypads + Mod support
#5 opened by Matthysse - 3
[Suggestion] Yes.. another :)
#6 opened by Matthysse - 7
Torchslab Mod 1.6 Update Server Crash
#7 opened by SerCiddy - 2
Crash report
#8 opened by SpGilbert - 2
Another day, another crash
#9 opened by vicitafirea - 1
a spelling mistake in config file
#10 opened - 2
Server / Log & Errors
#11 opened by TheSnowyChickens - 3
#12 opened by Matthysse - 4
Small Compatibility Wishlist of mods [Suggestion]
#13 opened by SpiderKolo - 1
Buggy Interactions
#15 opened by EspieBodespie - 7
Crash on Startup
#16 opened by DerMattinger - 0
#14 opened by BedrockLegends - 2
Crash at IME processing
#18 opened by VladimirMangos - 0
crash after the first entry into the game and kick from the server after a minute of the play .
#19 opened by 1M0N3Y1 - 3
v1.6.10 crashes client
#20 opened by ClaudiusMinimus - 1
#17 opened by SpGilbert - 0
v1.6.12 Crash
#21 opened by BedrockLegends - 2
Loot Table Parsing Errors
#22 opened by kornfan6589 - 1
Crash with Bamboo Blocks's bamboo torches
#23 opened by selened - 1
Bamboo blocks modID change (1.16 incompatibility)
#24 opened by Xodias - 8
1.16.1 Log spammed with errors regarding blocks not found
#25 opened by HatTrkPatrk - 1
1.16-branch missing?
#26 opened by puggan - 0
#28 opened by Matthysse - 0
[Suggestion] TorchUpperBlockCheck off by default
#29 opened by MarioSMB - 1
[1.16.5] Error when stopping server
#30 opened by MarioSMB - 1
[1.16.5] Wall lanterns placing on modded storage blocks
#31 opened by MarioSMB - 0
[Suggestion] Support for Subterranean Wilderness layers
#32 opened by HeartlessAUS