Transite [Fabric]

Transite [Fabric]


Transite, the shifting material. Found in isolated clusters where stone metamorphizes into deepslate, tools and armor made from this metal are not content with the form they are given. Transite tools continuously take on aspects of other tools, sacrificing part of their given form's function for that of another. A pickaxe may chop wood like an axe one day and sweep away foes with a sword's power the next, but the more it transitions into the pursued form the more slowly it mines. Transite armor is much the same; each gifted in ways unique from the rest yet discontent, coveting the attributes of the other armor pieces and attempting to mimic them.

Transite items have two unique attributes: flux and form. Form is what other tool or armor piece the item is mimicking, if any, and flux is how well it is doing so ranging from 0% to 80%. Each minute a Transite item will transition, gaining or losing 20% flux. If it reaches 0%, it abandons the form it was pursuing. If it leaves 0%, it chooses another Transite tool at random as the new form it shall pursue. A Transite tool can be used for any operation its base form or pursued form can be used for, and has attributes equal to the average of those forms weighted by the tool's flux. For example, a Transite pickaxe with 40% flux that is pursuing the form of an axe will mine at 60% speed, chop at 40% speed, can strip bark and wax from blocks, and has attack power and speed between that of a pick's and an axe's. Finally, Transite items can be coated in wax to lock in their current form by crafting them with a honeycomb. This process is irreversible, so be sure you are content with the tool's current form before waxing it.

Requires Cloth Config, Fabric API, and Minecraft 1.19.x.

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