Travel Huts

Travel Huts


Travel Huts provides a Long Range Teleportation Network for Multiplayer Servers.

This mod adds a grid network of "huts" to the overworld. Those huts contain 4 portals that link them to their neighbors. This gives players the possibility to travel long distances with ease, without giving them access to direct teleportation.

Problem: On servers people clump around spawn. Bases are build near each other and sometimes even to run into each other. In this area resources are often depleted quickly. This makes it hard for new players to establish themselves.

Solution: Travel Huts.

1.10.2: Travel Huts uses Ender IO Enlightened Quite Clear Glass if Ender IO is installed. Otherwise it uses normal glass, leaving the huts unlit.

1.11.2/1.12.2: Travel Huts uses its own glowing glass to build the huts with. Like the portal blocks, it cannot be obtained as an item.

Travel Huts can be configured to build the hut's floor from bedrock or obsidian. The portal blocks mimic this setting, being unbreakable in "bedrock mode" and hard as obsidian in "obsidian mode".

There is a special "sky block" mode in which the 4 center blocks of each hut are dirt with a random sapling on it.

The mode of teleportation can be configured to "instant" or "roller coaster"---the later will move the player in an arc from one portal to the next. Both the speed and angle of that arc can be configured. (Note that in "roller coaster" mode there is a slight chance that players get stuck in spectator mode if the server crashes at exactly the wrong moment. Disable it if you run into this a lot.)

Huts spawn in a 20x20 chunk grid by default (320 blocks), this value can be configured.

When a hut has been destroyed, it can be regenerated with the operator command "/regenHut". You need to be near the location where the hut is supposed to be to use this command.

Please note that you need to put a config file into the server's config folder before you generate the world unless you're fine with the default generation settings.

Travel Huts also works in singleplayer.