- 4
Spanish es_ES language file
#6 opened by Krawl03 - 4
Heavy Inventories integration
#8 opened by SuperScary - 1
Server Crash
#7 opened by ErrorJan - 3
[Bug] Crash when death if backpackDeathPlace=true
#9 opened by mzldh - 0
[Feature request] Gravestone integration
#10 opened by mzldh - 3
[Bug]Backpack disappears if equipped on secondary hand and right click.
#11 opened by mzldh - 1
Hose unable to switch tanks, disappears if held in off-hand and right-clicked
#13 opened by themotorhead30 - 10
Backpack doesnt exist
#15 opened by TheDreadnaught7 - 2
Dupe bug on pick up backpack directly from ground
#14 opened by FabioZumbi12 - 6
Crash when referring to the backpack
#16 opened by kellixon - 3
Dupe Bug
#17 opened by jmc529 - 1
Bug: Hose vanishes
#18 opened by jmc529 - 3
Integration request: TConstruct
#19 opened by jmc529 - 19
Backpack makes the World Unuseble
#20 opened by Jannik24 - 0
Storing backpacks in crafting grid
#21 opened by Tiviacz1337 - 0
[Bug] F3 black squares
#22 opened by Tiviacz1337 - 0
[Beta] Todo list for beta release
#23 opened by Tiviacz1337 - 1
Italian it_IT language file
#25 opened by Mat2nty - 3
[Bug] Crash when moving backpack with Portal Gun or Gravity Gun
#26 opened by Googie2149 - 0
Updated ko_kr lang file based on
#27 opened by yor42 - 3
- 1
Backpack placed on ground are deleted when you log out
#29 opened by voidswrath - 4
issue with xaeros minimap and Travellers Backpack mod
#30 opened by anonymus411 - 0
tank gives only 1 bucket even if the tank is full
#31 opened by SingingPandi - 2
Incompatibility with Tinker's Construct, milk texture breaks
#32 opened by NyanMC - 3
Potion drinking is weird
#33 opened by scarredFalconer - 2
Shift-clicking a placed backpack with the sleeping bag unfolded doesn't get rid of the sleeping bag
#36 opened by PikaDude - 1
Issues involving potions
#38 opened by NyanMC - 1
Conflict with robotic parts/ cyberware port
#39 opened by RemiBraizet - 3
Returning to title/leaving the game after death causes the worn backpack to disappear
#40 opened by PikaDude - 5
Cant see backpack
#35 opened by MagicPancake - 9
Gui does not open himself
#41 opened by SpartaWarsec - 1
Not sure what exactly happened, but some worn backpacks on my server disappeared from the players back
#43 opened by futurenp - 2
Shulker boxes and backpacks
#44 opened by futurenp - 7
[Feature request] Tough as Nails integration
#45 opened by CIosure - 1
Can not equip the Backpack
#42 opened by Kinami37 - 0
fluid storage output BUG
#49 opened by ztllllll - 1
Unaccessible backpack
#50 opened by Extil - 1
inventory rendering issue with transparent backpacks
#46 opened by touhouzun - 1
rendering issue with better hud
#47 opened by touhouzun - 0
1000mb potion drinking issue found
#48 opened by touhouzun - 1
Galactic Craft and travelers backpack(Can't see backpack)
#51 opened by KingChris2019 - 2
Player on Server Crashing with FLUID GUI
#52 opened by voidswrath - 0
(Feature request) Hide backpack when elytra is equipped
#54 opened by futurenp - 0
Fixed Korean Language file
#53 opened by yor42 - 10
[Feature request] Including a Furnace into the BackPacks
#56 opened by VincentLongiug - 3
Dupe glitch in multiplayer
#57 opened by futurenp - 1
Grafical Inventory GUI bug at the second hand slot
#55 opened by PercyCreeper - 1
You can add support for Tough As Nails?
#58 opened by Abo233 - 1
wont open
#59 opened by anonymus411