- 0
im stupid
#823 opened by SimonYuuki - 2
Keybind for hose and tools not working.
#824 opened by jwjones35 - 6
Config for how many storage slots each Tier will have?
#825 opened by PinkLasagna03 - 2
Fluid tanks - Tooltip and Config
#819 opened by Unleashed75 - 3
Error executing task on Server java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Index 0 out of bounds
#820 opened by alexweber - 4
Tanks Capacity config and tooltip change
#821 opened by Unleashed75 - 0
Multiplayer backpack disappearing
#822 opened by mirda33 - 2
Clicking buttons while holding items in cursor throws the items
#784 opened by Phoupraw - 1
#797 opened by DemonnoLex - 1
/give upgraded backpacks [1.19.2]
#785 opened by TrevorSlobodnick - 0
Hose malfunctions, looking for advice
#786 opened by Bl00n - 6
Issue with master librarians
#787 opened by lenisdying - 10
Backpack bug join multiplayer server
#788 opened by boyandres - 3
Forge 47.2.18 Minecraft Version 1.20.1 - Backpack Tier Upgrades cant be combined with Backpack in Smithing Table
#789 opened by luggiwithahoodie - 2
Non-Functional Hose
#790 opened by BeckPhillips - 1
[Fabric 1.20.1] Dehydration Compatibility
#791 opened by VoidSharpGithub - 1
Bug With Backpack Buffs
#792 opened by TheFirstHoneyBadger - 4
crafting Items using REI's Move Items method on the crafting table that comes with a traveler's backpack causes the world to freeze
#793 opened by wumengzhixing - 4
Backpack is not working inn multiplayer
#794 opened by queries112000 - 1
Incompatibility with 1.20.2 swamp librarian mending books
#795 opened by MaraOfGayskull - 3
Crash with "You're in Grave Danger" mod, only with 9.1.9 version of "Traveler's Backpack" mod
#798 opened by Lorkhajn - 3
Lost Backpack, restore command does not work
#799 opened by iRobbit - 1
Skip the warning message
#801 opened by TheHecateII - 2
Log spam
#804 opened by Ryuushen - 1
Can't unequip backpack
#805 opened by puggan - 2
Tier Up minecraf 1.20.1
#802 opened by Falconx94 - 2
It is not possible to change the mode on the hose
#803 opened by PorotOff - 8
Fabric: Compatibility with Trash Slot mod
#814 opened by alexweber - 4
[Cross Mod] EMI Craft to Inventory Only Fill But not Craft
#815 opened by Phoupraw - 2
1.19.2 server failing to start due to traveler's backpack
#806 opened by DigiVore-Programing - 7
Crash on retrieve items with `Keep Inventory` or `You're In Grave Danger` mod
#807 opened by mchalgarra - 1
fabric 1.20.1 - when using with multiple trinkets slots, previous backpack gets reset to empty t1.
#808 opened by TyoAtrosa - 2
Forcing Shulkers into Backpack with Transfer Buttons
#809 opened by TETRA326 - 4
Abilities ignore configuration settings
#810 opened by Krimatoria - 0
Crashed when using spider backpack climbing in Block{create:mechanical_pump}
#811 opened by Beafty - 1
Config to Disable Backpack Rendering with Cape
#812 opened by Bukimari - 6
#813 opened by Thelegendking - 2
Add option to allow for shulker boxes in backpack without decompiling .class
#818 opened by Glorpadorp172 - 1
Tool slot widget not working
#816 opened by NERD-NATO - 1
administrative command /clean
#817 opened by Elabrax - 4
Problem When Whitelisting Modded Items For Tool Slots
#827 opened by Emma-at-1nce - 0
Weapon slots
#826 opened by rickfert - 1
Rendering Overlay
#828 opened by jackyy-chann - 1
Crashes when trying to access backpack
#829 opened by BoWeasel - 1
Render Crash 1.19.2 Fabric
#830 opened by RiftSpatial - 3
Config to allow anything in tool slots.
#831 opened by jwols123 - 2
Allow adding item tags to tool slots
#832 opened by dhouck - 2
Add vanilla brush as default tool slot item
#833 opened by dhouck - 1
Abilities ideas
#834 opened by SionNoAries - 1
Fabric 1.19.4 Internal server error
#835 opened by Deathcon2040