- 1
Can't craft sleeping bag.
#907 opened by Ruthless4774 - 4
Any change of Fabric 1.20.6 soon?
#908 opened by bentterp - 4
Can't move selected item in backpack inventory
#910 opened by unweeked - 5
Crafting only checks for space in backpack
#909 opened by unweeked - 2
#911 opened by oleg12054 - 4
No crafting recipes for any of the items in JEI (Fabric)
#912 opened by CatBoxFox - 8
Can't upgrade backpacks
#918 opened by nicehax - 10
Modpack isn't loading Traveler's backpack properly
#919 opened by markc1707 - 2
crafting grid overlaps with emi
#920 opened by jackdotink - 2
hose does not get reserved properly
#921 opened by Korygauger - 2
Fabric Update Did not solve issue with Fluid Capacity Amount.
#913 opened by CarlucciMods - 5
Index out of bounds (SwapTool), Error executing task on server
#914 opened by dennorske - 1
Lost Backpack
#915 opened by Callibean72 - 1
Possibility of sharing legacy code
#916 opened by leonardokr - 2
Quiver Upgrade!!
#917 opened by Thelegendking - 2
Client Overlay Config
#922 opened by Blood-Tear-8 - 1
Ability to change sleeping bag color in backpack
#923 opened by mavdotj - 2
Game crashes upon trying to open backpack
#924 opened by Viaspiderz - 0
scroll adding items
#925 opened by Nariaris - 4
Going into wall with elytra and spider backpack makes you stuck
#926 opened by Tobim6 - 3
Game crashes when trying to open a backpack.
#927 opened by GameOnne - 1
Crashing with Create and Create Utilities
#928 opened by Alv-Rod - 3
Backpack loses all NBT data when put into trinket slot
#929 opened by Willio2000 - 3
1.21 support?
#930 opened by NattoRiisa - 5
Server doesn't start after installing the mod
#942 opened by OlHonder - 3
Backpack GUI off by 1 pixel
#939 opened by Kal-xyz - 5
9.1.14 update crash
#940 opened by TheLegendofSaram - 4
Backpacks Disappear as Floating Item even when invulnerableBackpack is true
#941 opened by LightningFerix - 3
Crashing in 1.20.1
#931 opened by ponduzn - 2
bug fabric1.19.2 The backpack won't open
#932 opened by Yummy-cookie - 2
Crafting Grid Disappears
#933 opened by Salvati0n - 1
Crafting Upgrade lost when placing backpack on floor.
#934 opened by jshipley - 1
Crafting Upgrade Disappears after placing in ground.
#935 opened by PhyroStyx - 1
Mace doesnt go in tool slots
#936 opened by EyemSoReel - 1
1.20.1 config screen not loading
#937 opened by Rocraft27 - 2
Bucket stacking?
#938 opened by RubyRezal - 1
The backpack disappears when I reconnect to the server and it have problems with Multiverse-Core puglins
#954 opened by AlexRmzAg - 2
Game crash when you put items into the backpack, (Client & Server)
#955 opened by brunoXD154 - 13
Items changed on death
#943 opened by PaterFrog - 1
Corrupted data by reserving backpack slot for an enchanted item
#944 opened by eyescreaming - 4
[1.20.1 Forge] Crash with EMI from lava.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException
#945 opened by templeofshadow - 2
Backpack not opening
#946 opened by queermeet-dev - 1
Empty tag c:tools/shears
#947 opened by Shadowglitchjpg - 1
Cant use backpack ability
#948 opened by tylerbriggs - 4
Cannot equip backpacks at all, and they disappear
#949 opened by samuiless - 1
Packs become unusable after update.
#950 opened by Mitchmethinks - 3
A backpack idea and a already existing one gets a ability
#951 opened by Yo-Snowpro - 9
Unable to craft the netherite enhancement (fabric 1.21)
#952 opened by edna321 - 5
Allow hose to "throw" potions as splash potions
#953 opened by AndrewGraber - 0
Crash trying to use sleeping bag
#956 opened by Shiroki1201