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Backpack Buffs Ideas
#957 opened by Khaixeon - 2
Recipe Book For Crafting in travellers backpack
#958 opened by Yo-Snowpro - 1
No Ability/potion affects when wearing ability giving backpacks
#959 opened by KreativeKngYT - 1
Crash when in nether
#960 opened by NJM1564 - 20
Hose toggle not working
#961 opened by BottledOxygen - 12
This mod conflicts with Natures Compass on modded servers on Forge 1.21
#962 opened by Jammyleg - 3
Backpack unequipable
#963 opened by RepeatSwitch - 1
Rendersystem called from wrong thread
#964 opened by ReneMuetti - 2
Cannot equip backpack and backpack dissapeared when i placed on ground
#965 opened by Jackelton10 - 3
Forge 1.21 Liquid tanks don't really work
#966 opened by BlaBlubMC - 1
Cardinal Components API Not Required?
#967 opened by NingyMD - 1
no upgrade stuff for 1.12.2
#968 opened by Idfk-man - 5
Add optional support for Accessories instead of Trinkets or Curios
#969 opened by Bruhnanza - 1
Compatibility with Tetra Modular Tools
#970 opened by Francisco-Moll - 1
[Crash] Crash with Elytra Trims (Tracking)
#977 opened by Baylem - 8
Stackable Items Still Dissapearing in 10.0.3 NeoForge Version
#978 opened by Launian - 3
Items can be duplicated using the crafting upgrade slots of a backpack
#979 opened by CronoARG - 2
Connection Lost on Single Player World when opening Bagpack
#980 opened by Ecthelion75 - 1
Bag not wearable, disappears, and makes world unplayable
#971 opened by ThatRandomPersonOnGithub - 1
Disappearing items and stacks
#972 opened by Iweleth - 3
The code is very unreadable, and I cant' figure out how to add custom backpack via add-on mod
#981 opened by Tejty - 1
Compatability issue with Iris shaders
#973 opened by phadreus - 1
Unable to equip backpack due to "ghost" backpack?
#974 opened by XTRelite - 1
#975 opened by Yhormxy - 2
Mod crashing at startup loading game stage
#976 opened by Kylebartaous - 4
Calls ITravelersBackpack#synchroniseToOthers when the player dies, throwing a NullPointerException
#993 opened by iMoonDay - 2
I cant switch mode with hose
#994 opened by martanek90 - 2
More config options?
#991 opened by deebiia - 2
backpack upgrade not working 1.20.4
#992 opened by PoFMieze - 2
Opening the backpack while wearing it causes the player to be disconnected from both SinglePlayer and Multiplayer worlds with OutofIndexRange error
#982 opened by NovaViper - 2
Traveler's Backpack v10.0.4 crashes with Accessories
#983 opened by NovaViper - 7
(FIXED) T'SB 9.1.15: Crashing when trying to open Creative Inventory (NullPointerException)
#984 opened by isoextension - 2
Honey interaction
#985 opened by MangoLassie142 - 3
how to fix this
#986 opened by jonath605 - 0
Not working with Pebblehost
#987 opened by Gnaa101 - 6
client crash when open backpack interface with already equiped
#988 opened by koshnarek - 0
Add a "lantern" tho the backpack
#989 opened by MrWonderless - 2
Can't switch modes on my hose
#990 opened by tatertotman33 - 1
The bucket slot doesn't work
#1001 opened by Zilgyd - 7
When placing the backpack using shift+right click, your backpack gets placed but a level 1 backpack replaces the slot in Trinkets and can be placed down infinitely
#995 opened by NanamiPizza - 4
backpacks & items in backpack disappearing
#996 opened by sealestiale - 3
10.0.6 is not compatible with trinkets
#997 opened by bendem - 6
CanĀ“t do the crafting
#998 opened by 1tsYukii - 0
Game crashes
#999 opened by MrThrobbs - 0
Problem With Traveler's Backpack Install.
#1000 opened by DanielOrSomething - 2
Toggle hose mode without scroll wheel
#1002 opened by 501Ghost - 1
No villager backpack description on wiki
#1003 opened by NotchyCookiez - 9
Tough as Nails incompatibility
#1004 opened by DionKill - 1
The backpack disappears and I can't open it
#1005 opened by Kussyara - 1
Unable to pull output of crafting
#1006 opened by spacespacexx