- 6
#1072 opened by zwiniecki13 - 2
{Feature Request} Current changes of Forge's port to Fabric
#1070 opened by NattoRiisa - 3
Disable Scroll Wheel Unable to work
#1071 opened by Chikaze - 3
Crash when step on create mod pipe with very specific setup
#1076 opened by mmis1000 - 1
Sleeping bag has an old texture
#1073 opened by ISTP7880 - 1
#1074 opened by Ardiansyah808 - 4
Recipe Bug
#1075 opened by Akhyaaar - 3
Can't Equip Backpack..sorta
#1077 opened by SpicyDandelion - 2
equipped backpack disappears after mod update
#1078 opened by tenshiiclone - 1
NeoForge 1.21.1 ReforgedPlay + Traveler's Backpack crash
#1079 opened by DaemonDeathAngel - 1
Issue with buckets in forge modloader 52.0.29
#1080 opened by lucasmdias - 0
Fabric 1.21.1 - v10.1.3
#1081 opened by Rijan2 - 1
Backpack not interactable or replaceable
#1082 opened by Rijan2 - 2
After the character died, the backpack became broken
#1083 opened by Koxae - 2
Pickup and Void Upgrades have opposite effects
#1084 opened by berberborscing - 3
Backpack dissapears when joining server after game closedd
#1085 opened by Caywo - 1
Dragon Backpack doesn't regenerate health
#1086 opened by berberborscing - 4
Backpack can't be opened after game restart on a server (posting again because I made a few mistakes)
#1087 opened by Caywo - 4
1.21.3 when and 1.21.4?
#1100 opened by NinjaLegendmc - 4
The backpacks will be shown twice in the EMI
#1088 opened by Boshigiri - 2
[Crash] Opening backpack on wall or in inventory crashes game
#1089 opened by Aesthir - 3
Compatibility issues with Aether mod and Trinkets
#1090 opened by aidan-walden - 2
/give command for the standard backpack with a count of 1 is giving 2 items instead of 1
#1091 opened by MultiMazdo - 2
[Crash] Game crashes when attempting to equip backback onto back slot of Accessories mod with Trinket Compat in 1.21.1
#1092 opened by polkamaestro - 7
Can't add templates or leather to Smithing Table
#1093 opened by mandychuu - 1
Crashes after adding tanks upgrade
#1094 opened by dylanparry - 2
Compat Issue after Update between YourInGraveDanger and Tracelersbackpack
#1095 opened by suerion - 5
Tanks HUD not showing fill level
#1096 opened by dylanparry - 1
(still) Compatibility Issues with Aether Mod and Trinkets
#1097 opened by aidan-walden - 3
Can't put milk in tanks
#1098 opened by dylanparry - 1
Backpack gui button not equipping / unequipping properly
#1099 opened by ZeClass - 1
Blaze Backpack's ability causes crash
#1101 opened by MerMelone