Traveler's Dream

Traveler's Dream


Smooth and contrasting landscape, very realistic, but still minecrafty features-all is here to delight your eyes! Are you ready to explore the world of traveler's dreams?

Traveler's Dream (I will call it TD for convenience) is a preset for random world generation, made using Open Terrain Generator mod.OTG mod is required.If you decide to use OTG v8+, install Biome Colorizer mod as well to make biomes look as intended!

*Traveler's Dream was made using Open Terrain Generator v6 , it isn't looking as intended with newest OTG v8+ without Biome Colorizer mod.It's better to use OTG v6 if it is possible.

Download OTG

Download Biome Colorizer

Compact Version with much more free ids!

There were a lot of complaints about too few free biome ids, so I decided to make a compact edition of the preset.I did my best to save the visual part of biomes and free as much ids as possible.

99% biomes are still here! Changes mostly affected their names and ids, and colors (just a bit).

The preset looks almost the same.All important biomes with forge dictionary tags were saved for better compatibility with mods.

At about 40 biome ids were made free!

Now you can have at about 80 free ids for other mods, which is enough for several big mods at once that add biomes to other dimensions!

Remember, that biomes from other mods will not spawn in the overworld!

Try not to use overworld biome mods,if you don't 100% need blocks from them.


JEID is not working with OTG!

(I'm not 100% sure, but it doesn't work for me and some other people at all)

Now finding biomes with Nature Compass is harder.Much more biomes are virtual.

I'm not going to make any more biomes virtual, this will ruin visual climate differences, tags system, biome colors completely!

However in the future there will be a crossover version of Traveler's Dream and my work-in-progress mod,that will add tons of saplings,wood,planks,flowers,herbs,decorations etc. This will help to free new large portion of ids!

I hope you will enjoy the game;)




Place the downloaded .jar files of Traveler's Dream and OTG into the "mods" folder.


Place the downloaded .jar files of Traveler's Dream and OTG into the server "mods" folder.

Delete old "world"s folders if they exist.

In file edit lines:


level-name=TravelersDream(since v1.5)

compact version:


before v1.5-



 How to add biomes from other mods into the OTG world?

(for OTG v8.3)

P.S. Every particular mod will require some knowledge about that mod biome properties, mobs spawning etc.

Every mod acts a bit different when it comes to worldgen.

This guide is an example and contains information about basic steps.

Firstly, it's better to install TellMe mod.It is a very useful mod, that will help to get registry names and other needed information.

This guide explains how to add Vampire Forest from Vampirism mod into the Traveler's Dream Preset.


Start a world with TD, TellMe and Vampirism installed.

Execute commands:

/tellme dump biomes


/tellme dump entities.

Data dumps will be in the Tellme folder inside the config folder.

1) Go to \mods\OpenTerrainGenerator\worlds\TravelersDreamCompact\ (or ThaumicTravelersDreamCompact if you use it). Open WorldConfig.ini with Notepad++/Kate in Linux (or other good text program).

Find biome groups and write the name of our future biome in some groups (where you want it to appear):

name: Vampire Forest

This will add our future biome to the worldgen.

2) Go to \mods\OpenTerrainGenerator\worlds\TravelersDreamCompact\WorldBiomes (or ThaumicTravelersDreamCompact if you use it).Choose the biome you want to see as terrain base, e.g. Forest.
Make a copy of this .bc file and name it "Vampire Forest".
Open the "Vampire Forest.bc".
Place selected lines here and there:

lines :

ReplaceToBiomeName: vampirism:vampireforest

BiomeDictId: vampirism:vampireforest

InheritMobsBiomeName: vampirism:vampireforest

NOTE: this is a registry name for Vampirism biome.To find the needed biome registry name, look at the Tellme biome dump.

This will make OTG Vampire Forest to use Vampirism name and some features.

NOTE: Some mods may spawn their own terrain decoration features like trees by themselves, like Biomes O'Plenty does.Others will not, that's why we need to use a biome from TD as a template with premade trees etc.If you want to change some terrain features, you can use other TD biome, e.g. Old Coniferous Forest or another. Decoration ot terrain features can be changed manually in biome .bc file , info about that can be found on the OTG wiki.

This will spawn such pretty guys in our forest:

Now all mobs from Vampirism are shown with OTG command /otg biome -m :

That's may be enough for some mods.But, Vampirism surprises us: vampires in the Vampire Forest need special block, Cursed Earth, as a surface block (instead of grass) to spawn.

To adjust that, we'll need to change some lines in the Vampire Forest.bc again:

(again registry name, this time for a block)

And adjust trees in the biome resources section:

 Unfortunately,this leads to only small vanilla oak in our forest, as it was designed by mod author.But now Vampires spawn correctly.

We can try to add Cursed Earth to the permitted blocks to TD forest trees to have them, but that will require all these BO3 objects above(forest4,forest5,etc) to be edited.You can look into OTG wiki to find, how it could be done.Look into the BO3 section.

NOTE: if monsters from another mod will not spawn, you can :

* mess with setting of biome dictionary: set DENSE, FOREST, MAGICAL, SPOOKY in the line BiomeDictId:  (the end of the .bc biome file)

NOTE: these tags can be found in TellMe biome dump for any biome.

* manually set all needed monsters in the mob config (the end of the biome .bc file).Look at how it is done for Thaumcraft:

Values are found by experiments.

Names can be found by using TellMe Mod and executing /tellme dump entities in the entitties dump:

Choose the names after "vampirism:" prefix from the second column, like "ghost".

If this isn't working, choose from the second, but for Thaumcraft the first one was right.

3) When changing some terrain settings and checking them ingame, you will need to manually delete "region" folder from the test world save to force it regenerate it's features.

4) NOTE: This part is about some unique features that the mod can add in it's biome.Sometimes we will not be able to recreate them with OTG.

Terrafirmacraft for example doesn't allow it's climate features to be added into OTG biomes.

Sun protection.It seems to work by itself without issues, but if you will find some, it can be set manually in vampirism config:

you will need to write the biome registry name there. The name in this example will  be




Traveler's Dream is a very detailed and realistic world generator, which represents amazing diversity of biomes, inspired by Earth magnificent landscapes with a pinch of fantasy.

There are also a few biomes to pay tribute to good old days Biome Mods, such as Highlands and elder versions of Biomes O'Plenty. These biomes are not copies, they just have been inspired by their prototypes, which I used to love a lot:)

If you want numbers, here they are:

  • 1175 custom objects (trees,rocks,etc) - 1182 for Thaumic Traveler's Dream
  • 16 biome groups - different climate zones, many of them have water borders to separate from zones with other temperature at least somehow
  • 230+ "significant" biomes, almost each one consists of several "technical" biomes, like it's own border, beach, glade, lake, cliffs, mountains, fields etc
  • 747 biomes in total - 750 for Thaumic Traveler's Dream
  • 8 months of work and a lot of love I've put into it;)


There are 16 climate zones, each one has it's own unique flora, varying landscape from plains and forests to hills and mountains, often going high enough to have snow on their top, rivers, lakes, swampy biomes.

Let's look briefly on them: 

Ice (a lot of fantastical things here to spice up this freezing land)
Snowy (winter is coming!)
Cold (meet the outstanding atmosphere of summertime Iceland!)
Boreal (taiga in it's full bloom to represent boreal zones, like in Scotland, Scandinavian countries, northern Russia, alpine zone)
Temperate (typical appearance for temperate zones of Earth, like in northern North America, southern Canada, northern Europe and most of Russia territories)
Classic (the most minecraft-style zone)
Normal (also minecrafty, but more unusual and chilly)
Lush (green and lush, quite warm and unique biomes)
Warm (mediterranean landscapes with absolutely charming atmosphere)
East (breathtaking landscapes of southern Asia, especially China)
West ("Wild West", mesa, steppe, arid North American forests and red deserts)
Arid (arid climate zone, like in Africa, some parts of Australia-savannas,tropical forests etc)
Desert (Desert biome, it was too big to fit into Arid zone...)
Jungle (tropical zone with dense jungle, rainforests etc)
Tropical (paradise with tropical islands, palms, sand and marine climate)
Ocean (just an Ocean...Deep and big Ocean. Survival Islands included)

There are also some changes about ore generation,check local zones below for more information. 

  • mountains may have a bit more frequent iron ore and it will spawn up to y=140
  • swampy and dense biomes with huge trees may have more frequent coal ore
  • arid zone biomes are rich with gold
  • west zone biomes are also rich with gold, but gold veins are smaller, more frequent,as well they can be found up to y=65
  • arid zone and boreal zone biomes are rich with diamonds
  • cold zone biomes are rich with redstone (due to it's seismic activity and volcanoes)
  • jungle zone biomes are rich with gold and lapis ore(lapis spawn up to y=25)


Thaumcraft Special Edition!

I made a special edition for better compatibility with Thaumcraft mod, which adds some Thaumcraft features and pretty Magical Forest biome to OTG preset, very similar to original, but with a touch of TD style:)

You can download Thaumic Traveller's Dream pack here:

Thaumic Traveler's Dream

Traveler's Dream Resource Pack (required for the full experience and compatible with any other resource packs!)

Does not work for the new TD versions.

For the best experience I also made a small, lightweight resource pack to use with Traveler's Dream and Thaumic Traveler's Dream. There are just a few improvements, which make TD biomes more authentic to the real world prototypes.This resourcepack doesn't add any block textures (except jungle leaves texture), so it can be used easily with any other resource pack! Just place it above any desired resource pack in the appropriate menu, like that:

and you'll get something like this:

If you don't want to have vanilla-like jungle leaves with other resource pack installed, feel free to remove it texture, following this path inside resource pack .zip : /assets/minecraft/textures/blocks/leaves_jungle.png (you may unzip it and work with the folder).

Traveler's Dream resource pack changes:


  • colors of sand and stone in some mountainous East biomes;


  • colors of sand and stone(vanilla ores too) in Cold Zone to resemble black volcanic stone and sands of Iceland;
  • color of sand in Jungle Zone, to make it reddish;
  • colors of sand and stone in Sunflower biome and it's hills-Yellow Rock, to make them look more like dark limestone;
  • colors of sand and stone in Barren Lands biome, to give them more "post-apocalyptic" look;
  • jungle leaves texture, to make it lighter and more convenient for bright coloring.

Click here to download Traveler's Dream resourcepack:

Traveler's Dream resource pack

You will need Optifine (MCPatcher may work,but I'm not sure about it, I prefer Optifine) for the resource pack to function.

Download Optifine

Custom trees and Treecapitator

As this preset uses very complex, big and beautiful custom trees, and leaves are often non-decaying, you would need Treecapitator to cut them:

Download Treecapitator

I tried to adapt Treecapitator configs for the size of most trees and also to make it work with some special trees.
However, it's not ideal. You can always change configs as you want.
My configuration file:

Download config file for "[1.12]TreeCapitator-client-1.43.0"


# Configuration file


# general_settings
# ATTENTION: Editing this file manually is no longer necessary UNLESS YOU ARE ADDING NEW MODS/TREES.
# On the Mods list screen select the entry for Treecapitator, then click the Config button to modify these settings.

general_settings {
# [Global] Set to true to enable Treecapitator, false to disable. [default: true]

miscellaneous_settings {
# [Global] Set to true if you want Treecapitator to log info about what it's doing, false to disable.
# If you are having an issue with the mod, set this option to true and post the resulting log to the
# Treecapitator thread along with a detailed description of the issue. [default: false]

# [Global] Flag to disable drops in Creative mode [default: false]

# [Global] Flag to disable tree chopping in Creative mode [default: false]

# [Global] When true, Treecapitator will scan the Forge Ore Dictionary for blocks with an ore name matching
# one of the strings in oreDictionaryLogStrings and generate a generic tree definition for them on the fly.
# When false oreDictionaryLogStrings and oreDictionaryLeafStrings will be ignored. [default: false]

# [Global] The list of log type values to check for in the Forge Ore Dictionary. Entries are comma (,) separated. [default: logWood, woodRubber,]
S:oreDictionaryLogStrings=logWood, woodRubber,

# [Global] The list of leaf type values to check for in the Forge Ore Dictionary. Entries are comma (,) separated. [default: treeLeaves,]

# [Global] Add unique block names to this list if you want to keep them from being registered as logs. This list will override
# the local user configuration, inter-mod communication (IMC) configuration, and the Ore Dictionary scanning feature.
# Use ',' to split block name from metadata and ';' to split entries.
# Refer to the UniqueNames.txt file in the config folder for a list of values. [default: ]

# [Global] Add unique item names to this list if you want to keep them from being registered as axes. This list will override
# the local user configuration and inter-mod communication (IMC) configuration.
# Use ',' to split item name from metadata and ';' to split entries.
# Refer to the UniqueNames.txt file in the config folder for a list of values. [default: ]

break_speed_settings {
# [Global, PerTree] When using an item that can chop trees, the break speed will by multiplied by this value
# THIS OPTION IS IGNORED WHEN treeHeightDecidesBreakSpeed=true [range: 0.01 ~ 1.0, default: 0.256]

# [Global] When true, the log break speed is equal to original break speed / (tree height * <treeHeightModifier>)
# When false, the original break speed is multiplied by the breakSpeedModifier value [default: true]

# [Global] See description for treeHeightDecidesBreakSpeed [range: 0.25 ~ 10.0, default: 2.0]

item_settings {
# [Global] This setting controls whether or not Treecapitator will automatically detect axe-type items. This is
# done by checking the effectiveness of the tool against logs.
# Set to true to enable this feature, false to disable. [default: true]

# [Global] Whether you need an item from the axeIDList to chop down a tree. Disabling will let you chop
# trees with any item. [default: true]

# [Global] Enable to cause item damage based on number of blocks destroyed [default: true]

# [Global] Axes and shears will take damage this many times for each log broken. Remaining damage is
# rounded and applied to tools when a tree is finished. [range: 0.1 ~ 50.0, default: 1.0]

# [Global] Enable to allow chopping down the entire tree even if your item does not have enough damage
# remaining to cover the number of blocks. [default: false]

# [Global] Set to true to have the per-block item damage amount increase after every
# increaseDamageEveryXBlocks blocks are broken. [default: false]

# [Global] When useIncreasingItemDamage=true the damage applied per block broken will increase by this
# amount every increaseDamageEveryXBlocks blocks broken in a tree. [range: 0.1 ~ 100.0, default: 1.0]

# [Global] When useIncreasingItemDamage=true the damage applied per block broken will increase each time
# this many blocks are broken in a tree. [range: 1 ~ 500, default: 8]

tree_chop_behavior_settings {
# [Global] This setting controls whether or not Treecapitator will automatically detect new trees when they are
# chopped. This is done by first checking Block.isLog() for the block broken, finding the highest connected block
# of the same type above the block broken, and checking Block.isLeaves() for the blocks around the top log. If
# enough leaf blocks are found the structure is considered a tree and is added to the TreeRegistry. Trees will
# also be added to your local config file to allow for tweaking of settings if desired.
# Set to true to enable this feature, false to disable. [default: true]

# [Global, PerTree] Set to false to disable Treecapitator Smart Tree Detection.
# Smart Tree Detection counts the number of leaf blocks that are adjacent to the
# top-most connected log block at the x, z location of a log you've broken. If
# there are at least minLeavesToID leaf blocks within maxLeafIDDist blocks then
# Treecapitator considers it a tree and allows chopping.
# WARNING: Disabling Smart Tree Detection will remove the only safeguard against
# accidentally destroying a log structure. Make sure you know what you're doing! [default: true]

# [Global, PerTree] If a tree's top log is not close enough to leaf blocks, the tree will not be chopped.
# Increasing this value will search further. I would try to keep it at or below 3. [range: 1 ~ 8, default: 1]

# [Global, PerTree] The minimum number of leaves within maxLeafIDDist of the top log block required to identify a tree. [range: 0 ~ 8, default: 3]

# [Global, PerTree] Set to false to use the older "top log" algorithm for finding the top log of a tree.
# The old algorithm searches only the vertical column of blocks above the log you are chopping,
# the newer algorithm is able to branch out to find the true top log of a tree. [default: true]

# [Global] Set to true if you want only the log/leaf blocks listed with each log in a tree
# to break when that log type is chopped. When set to false it will break
# any log/leaf type blocks connected to the tree, not just the types for that tree. [default: true]

# [Global] Enabling this will make leaves be destroyed when trees are chopped. [default: true]

# [Global, PerTree] When true Treecapitator will only instantly decay leaves that have actually been marked
# for decay. Set to false if you want leaves to be destroyed regardless of their decay status
# (hint: or for "leaf" blocks that are not really leaves). [default: true]

# [Global] Enabling this will cause destroyed leaves to be sheared when a shearing item is in the hotbar
# (ignored if destroyLeaves is false). [default: false]

# [Global] Enabling this will shear /some/ of the vines on a tree when a shearing item is in the hotbar
# (ignored if destroyLeaves is false). [default: false]

# [Gloabl] The maximum number of blocks allowed in a tree to be chopped. If a tree has more blocks than this
# chopping will be canceled. Set to -1 for no limit. [range: -1 ~ 2147483647, default: -1]

# [Global, PerTree] The maximum horizontal distance that the leaf breaking effect will travel from the tree (use -1 for no limit). [range: -1 ~ 100, default: 4]

# [Global, PerTree] The maximum horizontal distance that the log breaking effect will travel (use -1 for no limit). [range: -1 ~ 100, default: 16]

# [Global, PerTree] The maximum vertical distance that the log breaking effect will travel (use -1 for no limit). [range: -1 ~ 255, default: -1]

# [Global, PerTree] Setting this to false will allow the chopping to move downward as well as upward (and
# blocks below the one you break will be chopped) [default: true]

# [Global] Set sneakAction = "disable" to disable tree chopping while sneaking,
# set sneakAction = "enable" to only enable tree chopping while sneaking,
# set sneakAction = "none" to have tree chopping enabled regardless of sneaking. [default: disable]

# [Global] Set to true to enable the stacking of dropped items, false to disable. [default: false]

# [Global] Set to true to have items drop in place, false to have them drop at the player's position. [default: true]

enchantment_mode_settings {
# [Global] Toggle for whether or not to use the Treecapitating enchantment as opposed to requiring an item
# to be in the axeIDList to chop a tree. [default: false]

# [Global] The internal ID for the Treecapitating enchantment. Change this if the default ID is conflicting
# with another mod. [range: 0 ~ 255, default: 187]

# [Global] Whether or not to check the axe ID list for an item when determining if a given item can be
# imbued with the Treecapitating enchantment.
# NOTE: when set to false, any ItemTool type item (pickaxes, shovels, etc) with a high enough
# enchantability level can get the enchantment, not just axes. [default: true]


# tree_and_mod_configs
# This category is where all your settings live that are related to trees, items that can chop trees, and mods.
# NOTE: Using item or block number IDs WILL NOT WORK. Refer to the UniqueNames.txt file in the config folder for the list of block and item IDs.
# How to add new mods:
# Keep in mind that you can also include settings marked with [PerTree] on a per-tree basis to override the global default values.
# Format:
# <section_name> { (typically same as modID)
# S:modID=<modID> (this can be found on the Mods screen in game or in
# S:axeIDList=<unique_item_identifier>,<optional metadata>; minecraft:wooden_axe; minecraft:stone_axe
# S:shearsIDList=<unique_item_identifier>,<optional metadata>
# B:overrideIMC=<optional, defaults to false) whether or not a mod's user config (this file) should override a mod's IMC config (IMC allows mods to send messages to each other for compatibility)
# <tree_name> { (the tree name is just for organization and clarity)
# # logs/leaves: list of unique block name values. "," separates name and metadata, ";" separates block entries
# S:logs=<unique block identifier>,<optional metadata>; <unique_block_identifier>,0; minecraft:log,0
# S:leaves=<unique block identifier>,<optional metadata>; <unique_block_identifier>,0; minecraft:leaves,0
# [optionally add per-tree settings here]
# }
# }

tree_and_mod_configs {
# This setting controls whether or not IMC config messages sent by other mods will be saved to the local
# config file when they are processed by Treecapitator. The message will only be saved if your local config
# for a given mod is not set to override the IMC message. [default: true]

# This setting controls the default behavior when a mod is both configured manually (in the config file) and
# by the mod itself via IMC (inter-mod communication). [default: false]

openterraingenerator {

# This setting controls whether or not the mod config section it appears in will override an IMC message sent by that mod. [default: false]

mangrove {
S:leaves=minecraft:leaves, 0 % 8
S:axeIDList=minecraft:wooden_pickaxe; minecraft:stone_pickaxe; minecraft:iron_pickaxe; minecraft:golden_pickaxe; minecraft:diamond_pickaxe

snowy {
S:logs=minecraft:log; minecraft:log2
S:axeIDList=minecraft:wooden_axe; minecraft:stone_axe; minecraft:iron_axe; minecraft:golden_axe; minecraft:diamond_axe


biomesoplenty {
S:axeIDList=BiomesOPlenty:axeMud; BiomesOPlenty:axeAmethyst

bop_cherry {
S:leaves=BiomesOPlenty:leaves3, 3 % 8
S:logs=BiomesOPlenty:logs1, 1 % 4

bop_darkwood {
S:leaves=BiomesOPlenty:leaves1, 3 % 8
S:logs=BiomesOPlenty:logs1, 2 % 4

bop_magic {
S:leaves=BiomesOPlenty:leaves1, 2 % 8
S:logs=BiomesOPlenty:logs2, 1 % 4


ic2 {
S:axeIDList=IC2:itemToolBronzeAxe; IC2:itemToolChainsaw

ic2_rubber_tree {


natura {
S:axeIDList=Natura:natura.axe.bloodwood; Natura:natura.axe.darkwood; Natura:natura.axe.fusewood; Natura:natura.axe.ghostwood; Natura:natura.axe.netherquartz

eucalyptus {
S:leaves=Natura:floraleaves, 1 % 8
S:logs=Natura:tree, 0 % 4

ghostwood {
S:leaves=Natura:floraleavesnocolor, 1 % 8
S:logs=Natura:tree, 2 % 4

hopseed {
S:leaves=Natura:floraleaves, 2 % 8
S:logs=Natura:tree, 3 % 4

sakura {
S:leaves=Natura:floraleavesnocolor, 0 % 8
S:logs=Natura:tree, 1 % 4


thaumcraft {
S:axeIDList=Thaumcraft:ItemAxeThaumium; Thaumcraft:ItemAxeElemental

greatwood {
S:leaves=Thaumcraft:blockMagicalLeaves, 0 % 8
S:logs=Thaumcraft:blockMagicalLog, 0 % 4

silverwood {
S:leaves=Thaumcraft:blockMagicalLeaves, 1 % 8
S:logs=Thaumcraft:blockMagicalLog, 1 % 4

thaumcraft_log_greatwood_1 {
S:leaves=thaumcraft:leaves_greatwood, 0 % 8
S:logs=thaumcraft:log_greatwood, 1 % 4


twilightforest {
S:axeIDList=TwilightForest:item.ironwoodAxe; TwilightForest:item.knightlyAxe; TwilightForest:item.minotaurAxe; TwilightForest:item.steeleafAxe

tf_canopy {
S:leaves=TwilightForest:tile.TFLeaves, 1 % 8
S:logs=TwilightForest:tile.TFLog, 1 % 4

tf_darkwood {
S:leaves=TwilightForest:tile.TFHedge, 1
S:logs=TwilightForest:tile.TFLog, 3 % 4

tf_mangrove {
S:leaves=TwilightForest:tile.TFLeaves, 2 % 8
S:logs=TwilightForest:tile.TFLog, 2 % 4

tf_miner {
S:leaves=TwilightForest:tile.TFMagicLeaves, 2 % 8
S:logs=TwilightForest:tile.TFMagicLog, 2 % 4; TwilightForest:tile.TFMagicLogSpecial, 2 % 4

tf_oak {
S:leaves=TwilightForest:tile.TFLeaves, 0 % 8
S:logs=TwilightForest:tile.TFLog, 0 % 4

tf_sorting {
S:leaves=TwilightForest:tile.TFMagicLeaves, 3 % 8
S:logs=TwilightForest:tile.TFMagicLog, 3 % 4; TwilightForest:tile.TFMagicLogSpecial, 3 % 4

tf_time {
S:leaves=TwilightForest:tile.TFMagicLeaves, 0 % 8
S:logs=TwilightForest:tile.TFMagicLog, 0 % 4; TwilightForest:tile.TFMagicLogSpecial, 0 % 4

tf_transformation {
S:leaves=TwilightForest:tile.TFMagicLeaves, 1 % 8
S:logs=TwilightForest:tile.TFMagicLog, 1 % 4; TwilightForest:tile.TFMagicLogSpecial, 1 % 4


tconstruct {
S:axeIDList=tconstruct:hatchet; tconstruct:mattock; tconstruct:lumberaxe

# 1_vanilla_trees_and_items
# This special category is the home of the vanilla tree block and item configurations. You can change the
# values in this category to suit your preferences.
# WARNING: This config category must not be removed! If this category is renamed or removed Treecapitator
# will assume your config file is new and reload the default user mod config settings!

1_vanilla_trees_and_items {
S:axeIDList=minecraft:wooden_axe; minecraft:stone_axe; minecraft:iron_axe; minecraft:golden_axe; minecraft:diamond_axe

# This setting controls whether or not the mod config section it appears in will override an IMC message sent by that mod. [default: false]

logwood {
S:logs=minecraft:log; minecraft:log2; thaumcraft:log_greatwood; thaumcraft:log_silverwood
S:leaves=minecraft:leaves; minecraft:leaves2; thaumcraft:leaves_greatwood; thaumcraft:leaves_silverwood; minecraft:brown_mushroom_block, 1; minecraft:brown_mushroom_block, 2; minecraft:brown_mushroom_block, 3; minecraft:brown_mushroom_block, 4; minecraft:brown_mushroom_block, 5; minecraft:brown_mushroom_block, 6; minecraft:brown_mushroom_block, 7; minecraft:brown_mushroom_block, 8; minecraft:brown_mushroom_block, 9; minecraft:brown_mushroom_block, 14; minecraft:red_mushroom_block, 1; minecraft:red_mushroom_block, 2; minecraft:red_mushroom_block, 3; minecraft:red_mushroom_block, 4; minecraft:red_mushroom_block, 5; minecraft:red_mushroom_block, 6; minecraft:red_mushroom_block, 7; minecraft:red_mushroom_block, 8; minecraft:red_mushroom_block, 9; minecraft:red_mushroom_block, 14

vanilla_acacia {
S:logs=minecraft:log2, 0 % 4
S:leaves=minecraft:leaves2, 0 % 8

vanilla_birch {
S:logs=minecraft:log, 2 % 4
S:leaves=minecraft:leaves, 2 % 8

vanilla_dark_oak {
S:logs=minecraft:log2, 1 % 4
S:leaves=minecraft:leaves2, 1 % 8

vanilla_future_tree_1 {
S:logs=minecraft:log2, 2 % 4
S:leaves=minecraft:leaves2, 2 % 8

vanilla_future_tree_2 {
S:logs=minecraft:log2, 3 % 4
S:leaves=minecraft:leaves2, 3 % 8

vanilla_huge_brown_mushroom {
S:logs=minecraft:brown_mushroom_block, 10; minecraft:brown_mushroom_block, 15
S:leaves=minecraft:brown_mushroom_block, 1; minecraft:brown_mushroom_block, 2; minecraft:brown_mushroom_block, 3; minecraft:brown_mushroom_block, 4; minecraft:brown_mushroom_block, 5; minecraft:brown_mushroom_block, 6; minecraft:brown_mushroom_block, 7; minecraft:brown_mushroom_block, 8; minecraft:brown_mushroom_block, 9; minecraft:brown_mushroom_block, 14

vanilla_huge_red_mushroom {
S:logs=minecraft:red_mushroom_block, 10; minecraft:red_mushroom_block, 15
S:leaves=minecraft:red_mushroom_block, 1; minecraft:red_mushroom_block, 2; minecraft:red_mushroom_block, 3; minecraft:red_mushroom_block, 4; minecraft:red_mushroom_block, 5; minecraft:red_mushroom_block, 6; minecraft:red_mushroom_block, 7; minecraft:red_mushroom_block, 8; minecraft:red_mushroom_block, 9; minecraft:red_mushroom_block, 14

vanilla_jungle {
S:logs=minecraft:log, 3 % 4
S:leaves=minecraft:leaves, 3 % 8; minecraft:leaves, 0 % 8

vanilla_oak {
S:logs=minecraft:log, 0 % 4
S:leaves=minecraft:leaves, 0 % 8

vanilla_spruce {
S:logs=minecraft:log, 1 % 4
S:leaves=minecraft:leaves, 1 % 8



Biome Ids and some tricks

As TD is a very big biome pack and minecraft ids, that can be saved to the world map, are severely limited, I unfortunately had to set most of the biomes virtual, dependant on necessary and sufficient amount of "real" biomes.
This fact means, that in F3 info, in any minimap the names of virtual biomes will not be their actual names, but the names of their "parents".
This also means, that virtual biomes inherit their "parents" grass and leaves,sky and water colors, climate (temperature and humidity) as well as their biome tags for forge dictionary, needed to place mobs and other features from mods.
It won't cause problems, but sometimes may be confusing. You can use special OTG command to see, what the actual name of the current biomes is:
/otg biome
/otg biome -m
to see mobs from this biomes,or
/otg biome -d
to see it's tags.

If you want to find a biome, please use OTG search command:
/otg tp {biome name, virtual or real}
(delete {})
This command has small search radius, so you may try to /tp ... a bit further with vanilla command and search again.

Alternatively, you may use Nature Compass mod (please read "Compatibility" section, if you want to use this mod!).
You can always search for a real biome from the same climate zone, the needed biome is from, and then search by /otg tp ... or simply fly around.

Nature Compass

Traveler's Dream biomes take ids:

"real" biomes: 43-126,168-205;free: 206-255;
virtual biomes: 256-809.

Thaumic Traveler's Dream biome ids take:

"real" biomes: 43-126,168-207; free: 208-255;
virtual biomes: 256-810.

You may also like TellMe mod.It could be used to make different dumps, for example biomes ids and properties, which is very helpful.


Below you can see screenshots and short description of every "significant" biome, divided into climate groups:


Ice Zone 

Traveler's tip:
Who said,that ice couldn't be hot?;)But be aware of these lands: dirt, grass and other green things are extremely rare here.However, this place can surprise you not once.

Ice Plains

Snowed ice plains with big lakes of frozen water.

Ice Plains Hills

Pretty small hills and frozen lakes.

Ice Peaks

They look pointy...

Ice Mega Taiga

Spruce giants (are they still alive?) and desired fields of frosted grass.

Ice Frozen Land

How will I cut down these trees?

Ice Plains Spikes and Ice Canyon

I'm impressed to the core by this beauty.But those rabbits cause goosebumps...

Ice Terraces and Ice Terraces Spinney

High plateau of ice and snow with melting old blue glaciers, surrounding this purple natural wonder!

Ice Mountains Ridge

Light blue mountains with a pleasant shape.I bet they have slippery slopes...

Ice Wasteland

Unearthly view...But when I look into these deep cracks, full of ice, I feel uncomfortable...

Ice Black Lake and Ice Black Diamond Beach

Beach of black sand, with large pieces of transparent ice here and there.They look like diamonds in the sunshine...

Ice Ocean

I see an iceberg there!

Ice Volcano

Ice and Fire united.

Ice Sacred Land

You never know what you'll find in these lands...

Ice Glacier

It is enormous white thing, I hope it won't crack...

Snowy Zone

Traveler's tip:
If you are tired of summer heat, welcome to the land of neverending winter! Don't forget your sled and a warm sweater!

Snowy Plains

Plains, but snowy.

Snowy Birch Woodland

Snowy mixed forest of birch and oak trees.

Snowy Forest Hill

Hills with some winter decideous trees.

Snowy Bushy Grove

These trees are fluffy, but you won't get any saplings from them.

Snowy Cedar Grove

Forest of dark winter cedar trees.

Snowy Thicket

Dense thicket with low trees and bushes, covered with snow.

Snowy Rolling Hills

Do you like hill sledding?

Snowy Big Hill

Just a big, bald snow hill.

Snowy Dying Woodland

These trees don't look very happy with local climate...

Snowy Wetland

Mysterious place with plenty of lakes and fairytale frozen willows.

Snowy Alpine Forest and Alps

Beautiful mountains, covered with snow, with unique spruce trees.

Snowy Coniferous Forest

Majestic high pines forest.

Snowy Wasteland

It is a cold wasteland, but with interesting ground cover...

Snowy Siberian Forest

Mighty old coniferous forest with unique atmosphere.Beware of the big bad wolf!

Snowy Christmas Grove

Pretty firs, snow and red flowers are good for open air Christmas!

Snowy Tundra

Low bushes and schrubs, boulders, colourful moss and pockets of underground permafrost.

Cold Taiga M

High and sparse spruce trees, slightly touched by winter.

Snowy Extreme Hills

Some strange, but nice stone formations, eroded by cold winds and covered with snow.

Cold Taiga Hills

High smooth hills and highlands with lots of small spruce trees.

Snowy Lonely Mountains

Totally lifeless stone mountains with snow cap.

November Birch Forest

Birch Forest in november, when bushes are still covered with last scarlet leaves.

Cold Zone

Traveler's tip:
Have you ever been in Iceland? It is much greener, than you might think:)And believe me, this place is extraordinary!

Cold Lake

Just a simple lake, but look at this black sand and patches of dry grass!There are also some small hilly islands in it's waters.

Cold Plains and Cold Highland

Unforgettable view! Black stone highland, covered with bright green grass, with dozens of waterfalls and springs.

Cold Meadow and Cold Mountains Range

Black mountains with ocasional trees and meadow with juicy grass.

Cold Grove

Rare thing in these places: grove with some decideous trees.

Cold Hills

Green fields with small hills.

Cold Rocky Hills

These hills are a bit more rocky, they show more of their black stone nature.

Cold Wetland

Wet, swampy flatlands with lots of different plants, surrounded by sparse trees.

Cold Black Lake

It is also just a lake, but it's black sand beach has some strange rock formations of frozen lava.

Cold Dry Field and Cold Mountain

Another black mountain, surrounded by dry grassy fields.

Cold Volcanic Stones Plains

Lush green fields with lots of black frozen lava boulders.

Cold Dimmuborgir

This place has unique atmosphere and appearance with it's weird lava rock formations,especially in autumn.Local villagers believe, that elves and trolls live there, and somewhere are the gates to underworld.
But I never came across a single...

Cold Volcano Valley

Another uncanny place.There are a lot of small volcano openings.Even the sky is smoky and red from continuous eruptions and lava flows.

Boreal Zone

Traveller's tip:
If you like spruce trees and their truly aesthetic looking wood, you should definitely go there!


Many spruce trees, some rocks, lots of flowers.

Boreal Schrublands

Boreal kind of plains with some bushes and a bit of bare stone here and there.

Mega Taiga

It's really Mega.Very high, shapely old spruces, mossy boulders and other attributes of dense forest.

Mega Spruce Taiga

Also dense spruce forest, but trees are much thicker and more fluffy.They are not so high as well.

Taiga Hills

High and smooth hills with many small spruce trees.

Boreal Rockland

Quite high biome with a lot of stocky short spruce trees and rounded cliffs.On the edge of an ocean small chains of pointy cliffs will spawn.

Boreal Wetland

Lowlands with thick and good looking spruce trees and a lot of water.

Sorry for the hand:)

Old Taiga

Taiga, but older.Trees are higher, fairly slim.

Boreal Highland

High grounds with bare cliffs and small spruces.They have unique bushy slope border everywhere,except deep water edge: there is gravel beach instead with breakaway columns of rock.

Boreal Lake

Just a lake,but it looks good...


Special boreal swamp biome, famous for it's fuel reserves and preservation characteristics.It has colourful grass and some rare trees.


Boreal Cold Mountain

The name speaks for itself...

Taiga Upland

Similar to taiga, but higher with overhanging edges.

Chilly Mixed Forest

Chilly forest with birch, spruce and oak trees, with some classical minecraft feeling.

Autumnal Boreal Grove

Picturesque autumnal woods with high forested hills.On the edge of an ocean or other similar big water area small forested isles spawn in shallow waters.

Boreal Shield

Low flat isles of irregular shapes with a lot of bare stone and small spruces.

Temperate Zone

Traveler's tip:
This climate zone looks rather mundane, but actually it is not .This is a pretty place to visit.Climate is comfortable here, flora is diverse, you will find any kind of wood to build with.

Decideous Forest

Dense forest of high and slim decideous trees.

Decideous Forest Hills


Quite volatile biome with a lot of bushes and schrubs.It has dry ground with patches of coarse dirt and gravel. Some stepped dry cliffs with ocasional small trees can be found here.

Birch Forest

Graceful forest of slim birch trees and ocasional daisy patches.

Birch Forest Hills

Temperate Plains

Plains with patches of birch grove.

Autumnal Forest and Autumnal Mountains Ridge

Absolutely stunning landscape. High mountains, autumnal mixed forests and a lot of lakes.

North Coniferous Forest

It is a dense varied north forest with a mix of many different conifers, with ocasional paths.Where will they lead you?

Grassy Lake

Wet, swampy lake with patches of high dry grasses and ocasional islands with larch trees.

Dirty Lake

Shallow lake with dirty waterside, surrounded by mixed forest.

Sparse Wood

Sparse, mixed woodland with rather dry and chilly climate, which makes trees to look a bit bleak.

Middle Tundra

Chilly, quite flat area with shrubs, surrounded by Sparse Wood.


Dry grassland.

Barren Lands

Gloomy lands with acid green skies.Something devastating used to happen there long ago...Don't try to drink water from local lakes!

Temp Spruce Mountain Ridge

Majestic spruce mountains.

Temp Thicket

Land of yellow grasses and green glades with sparse bushes.

Dying Forest

It looks tired...

Temp Rocky Plains

Plain area with sparse shrubs and large rocks.

Temp Hilly Plains

Plains with some small hills and ocasional oak trees.

Temp Springs

Unique biome with dozens of grooves and outstanding stone cliffs.

Temp Wasteland

Wasteland biome with some cliffs.

Temp Steppe

Plain, dry fields with lots of grasses and flowers.

Temp Mixed Forest Hills

Temp Valley and Temp Dry Mountain

Valley with sparse trees, surrounded by mountains.

Larch Forest and Larch Cliff in the Larch Lake

Normal Zone

Traveler's tip:
Mild climate, pretty looking lands, diverse biomes...This place has it's unique charm.

Rocky Hills

Volatile biome with rocky cliffs, scattered boulders, lakes and some bushes.

Rose Field and Mixed Forest

It's such a sweet place.Pink rose bushes, soft grass, ocasional nice looking trees...I'd like to build a house here!

Bushy Field

Bushy trees, juicy grass and lots of mossy cobblestone paths...


Cedar Grove

Forest of green cedar trees.On the edge of an ocean or other similar big water area small forested isles spawn in shallow waters.

Wizards Nook

I'm not sure, am I allowed to walk here, but this place is full of magic!

Sullen Grove

I always feel someone's unkindly sight while walking here...Frightening, but still beautiful place.

White Flowers Grove

Pretty fields with sparse spruce trees and lots of white flowers.

Flower Forest

It seems to be someone's park...Paved paths, park trees, ponds and many colourful flower gardens.

Lush Swampy Grove

Wetland with thousands of willow trees.


Volatile lands of barren stone, moss, heather and briar bushes.

Autumnal Wood

Colourful woodland with large puffy autumnal trees and lakes.

Coniferous Forest

Dense and impressive forest with thick fir trees.On the edge of an ocean or other similar big water area small forested isles spawn in shallow waters.


Dramatic, reaching the sky steppy highland.

Classic Zone

Traveler's tip:
I feel myself so comfortable here...It is so similar to my homeland!


Classical plains with rare sprawling trees and some ponds.


Just a normal forest with ocasional glades.

Forest Hills

Roofed Forest

Dense forest of canopy dark trees and big mushrooms, surrounded by a high plateau and separated from other lands by a water channel.


Hilly lands with some big lakes and mix of bushes and small maple trees.


Hard to travel through, swampy and grassy flatlands with rare bushes.

Old Coniferous Forest

Gorgeous very high, old spruce trees forest.

Hilly Plains


Beautiful arable lands with lush overgrown hills.

Birch Forest Hills M

High rolling hills of birch and small oak trees.

Forest Spruce Hills

Rocky overhanging plateau with low mixed trees.

Mixed Grove


Stepped highlands with rare schrubs.

Mountains Ridge

Deserted smooth green mountains.

Secret Cove

Lots of curved islands.

Swampland M

Dark old swampland with giant weeping trees and murky water, surrounded by Dense Forest.

October Forest

October mixed forest with bright trees and patches of fallen leaves.

Silver Willow Isles in a Lake

Puffy silver willows, some birch and spruce trees growing on multiple islands in a big lake.

Sandpit Plains

Plains with puffy trees and deep sand pits.

Lush Zone

Traveler's tip:
I think, that this zone is the most nice looking and has the most comfortable climate.It is so warm, sunny, bright green and lush!

Green Fields

Lush and pretty bright green fields with thick old oaks, high grass and ocasional poppy glades.I've found someone's swing on a tree!
My tip: do you remember Overgrown Greens from old BoP?I really missed it...

Green Valley

Sunny overgrown hills and valleys with lakes.

Green Lake

Large lake with plenty of big forested islands.


Swampy grove with willows.Surprisingly good looking for a swamp...

Warm Coniferous Forest

Dense and lush.


Lands of sun and grass.

Douglas Fir Forest

Beautiful douglas fir forest with lakes,glades and high forested cliffs with granite patches.


Dense woodlands with thick trees and some bluebells glades.Thre are also a lot of pretty lakes here.On the edge of an ocean or other similar big water area small woodland isles spawn in shallow waters.

Extreme Hills

Stepped highlands, springs, small islands...That's amazing!

Redwood Forest

Just look at these giants!..You can also find some clay deposits here.

Sunflower Plains and Yellow Rock.

Sunny sunflower fields and pretty shaped limestone hills.

Old Fir Woods

Unique enormous firs and interesting volatile landscape.

Dense Forest

Very dense,dark forest with old,giant trees.Mysterious place...

Golden Fall Grove

Yellow autumnal grove with giant forested hills here and there.On the edge of an ocean or other similar big water area small forested isles may spawn in shallow waters.

Warm Moss Swamp

Lush Rocky Fields

Light green rocky fields with bushes and shrubs.

Granite Mountains Ridge

Wonderful granite cliffs and pretty pine trees.

Warm Zone

Traveler's tip:
It is so charming and unique place!I feel myself like I'm in those ancient greek myths...I just want to make a rest and enjoy the view.

Poplar fields

Poplar Hills

Warm Forest

Warm Coniferous Forest

Warm Meadow

Warm Plains

Under the old olive tree I can sit all day long!

Warm Highland

Warm Rockland

Warm Arid Plains

Warm Flooded Forest

It's not like a real swamp, but it is wet.

Warm Thermal Terrace

Unique diorite terraces with plenty of hot water natural baths, with a poplar spinney on the top level.

Warm Foothills and Warm Mountain

I bet Olympus is still somewhere here...

Pristine Oak Wood

Land of giant pristine oaks.I would not recommend you to hunt in this divine wood...

Pristine Coniferous Forest

I've never seen such conifers before!

Poplar Highland

East Zone

Traveler's tip:
This place has the most amazing landscapes.It is something, that you must see by your own eyes just once!

Red Maple Forest

East Decideous Forest

Forest of unique decideous trees.

East Mixed Forest

Also lots of unique species of spruces and decideous trees.

East Lowlands

Lush and wet fields with many weeping willows.

East Plains

Flatlands with juicy grass and ocasional cedar trees.

East Valley and East Hill

High rolling overgrown hills.

East Highland

Real piece of masterpiece, created by nature.Stepped highland with several levels, plenty of springs and waterfalls, going down to the flooded lush area with scattered big boulders.

East Crag

Large overgrown cliffs in deep waters.

East Pillar Valley

Breathtaking, going high brown needle cliffs, overgrown with plenty of schrubs and low crooked trees.Inspired by Zhāngjiājiè national park in China.

East Jade Valley and East Jade Cliffs

Cliffs have veins of prismarine here.You can built a whole temple of it somewhere on the top...

East Lake of Thousand Isles

Long ago there was an ordinary valley.It was severely flooded, and now we can see plenty of small isles in the giant man-made lake.

East Rice Terrace

Rice is important source of food here.

East Sea, East Island and East Lonely Mountain

There was a big, lonely mountain range on a lonely island...

East Dawn Redwood Forest

Flooded territories with plenty of unique metasequoia autumnal trees.

West Zone

Traveler's tip:
If you enjoy wild west films, love gold and not afraid of heat and cacti-you are welcome here!


Red deserted lands with cacti and dry schrubs, with large mesa cliffs.

Mesa Desert and Mesa Mountains

Red desert with green oasis patches and red mountains.

Mesa West Thicket, surrounded by Mesa West Mountains Range

Mesa West Decideous Forest

Mesa West Lush Fields

wet lush lands with weeping willows.

Mesa West Golden Grove

Mesa West Prairie

Mesa West Redwood Forest

Forest of young seqouias.

Mesa Plateau

Highland of reddish stone and mix of pines and spruces.

Mesa Plateau M

Strangely shaped striped mountains, surrounded by sandy schrublands.

Mesa West Subtropical Forest and Mesa West Bayou

It's a forest of mild colored semi-jungle trees, in the center it becomes wet and swampy.

Mesa Coniferous Forest

It's a whole system of cliffs, valleys, lakes, overgrown by conifers.

Mesa Terrace

Colourful sandy mesa plateau.

Mesa (Bryce)

Mesa Bryce in winter is an unforgettable view.

Mesa Shield Lake

Lake with strange striped mesa rock formations on the beach and rare isles.

Mesa Canyon

Giant stepped mesa plateau with multiple colourful layers of terracotta, surrounding flat valley with many striped pillars.

Arid Zone

Traveler's tip:
These lands are hot, sandy and sometimes dusty.. Anyway, they have unique ecosystem and deserve a lot of attention.


Hot and quite dry grassy fields with sparse acacia trees and some rocky inselbergs here and there.

Savanna Plateau

African Forest

True spirit of Africa is here.There are a lot of different tree species,which you'll never find somewhere else.

Arid Tropical Forest with Hills

Blissful shadow will hide you from the baking sun, but this forest is very humid and full of animals and insects.

Cucamong Plateau

A bit more volatile and rocky version of savanna plateau with rare giant dracaena draco trees.

Arid Meadow and Arid Mountains Ridge

Unique dry mountains in the arid meadow fields.

Arid Mangrove

Small patches of mangrove forests can be found in tropical forest.These strange mangrove are white and grow deeply in water, but their wood is extremely tough.Try pickaxe instead of axe!

Arid Chaparral

Dry sandy hilly lands with multiple boulders and schrubs.

Savanna M

It is similar to Savanna, but much more wet and swampy.Acacia here grows thick and lush.

Arid Krater Field

Giant prehistorical krater of dead volcano, flooded with water and overgrown with some low trees.

Arid Highland

Giant deserted dry highland with breakaway cliffs around it.

Arid Red Cliff and Arid Stone Plains

Unique place with dry grassy field, full of stone plates, and a giant red cliff in the center.

Arid Old Acacia Forest

Another kind of dry forest, but with sparse old acacia trees and palms.

Arid Mesa

Unique mesa-like terraced plateau with multiple layers of colored terracotta.Wind and water erosion caused weird formations with tunnels, overhangs and pits.


Giant hot, sandy, dusty land, surrounded by semidesert biome Desert M.Desert Mountains with red tops can be seen here and there, as well as some sandy hills and rare green lush Oasis with small lake.
Sun dried up the rivers and they became dry riverbeds with salt patches.

Tropical Zone

Traveler's tip:
If you want to find tropical paradise with palms and sandy beaches, you'll have to take a boat, lots of food and search patiently. Tropical oceans are large.

Tropical Zone1 (first tropical "ocean"):

Tropics and Tropical Hills, Tropical Isles

Tropical Zone2 (second tropical "ocean"):

Tropical Highland and Tropical Sandy Plains

Tropical Highland (top)

Tropical Zone3 (third tropical "ocean"):

Tropical Old Forest with cliffs and lakes

Jungle Zone

Traveler's tip:
This land has a spirit of prehistoric times and such an exciting wilderness!


Very dense jungle forest with vines,flowers,ferns and web all over there.On the edge of an ocean or other similar big water area small jungle isles spawn in shallow waters.

Jungle Dark Grove

Unusual tree species can be found there.

Jungle Meadow

Flatlands with pretty little jungle trees, a lot of colourful flowers and bushes.

Jungle Canyon Pit

Cozy valley with classical dense jungle forest and ocasional flat stone pillars, sometimes rivers, surrounded by a red highland with overgrown top.

Jungle Flooded

Pretty bushy thick, but low sprawling trees, growing in water.

Jungle Monsoon

Another flooded area. Jungle forest during the monsoon.Swampy.

Jungle Extreme Hills

Highlands with jungle trees.

Jungle Red Plains and Jungle Red Cliff

Lonely red cliff, surrounded by lush fields.

Jungle Plains

Very flat area with rare trees, boulders and bushes.

Jungle Crag

Cliffs with jungle trees, surrounded by deep waters.

Jungle Roofed Zone and Jungle Eucalipti

Large lake with a big island.Forest there consists of different canopy rainforest trees.There are many bare stone cliffs.

(some sand color issues were fixed in the very first release of the TD resourcepack, screenshot is a bit oudated)

Jungle Mountains

Jungle mountains, plentifully overgrown with small jungle trees, surrounded by a low rainforest.

Jungle Selva

Rainforest with high, umbrella-shape trees. It is rather dense, so it doesn't have lush undergrowth.Flowering selva is full of colourful flowering trees.

Jungle Red Waters

Wet lands with many lakes and thick trees.

Jungle Swampy Rainforest

Rainforest with thick, sprawling trees with dense crown and hanging vines.It is very dense, swampy and dark.


Worley's Caves and YUNG Better Caves: working with TD and TTD with OTG v8+

JEID is not working with OTG! It will not reassign biome ids!

Mobs and structures mods: TD has forge biome dictionary tags in every biome, as well as all biomes inherit vanilla mob spawn rules.So, theoretically, there should not be any difficulties with spawning mobs from mods, that use such system.
Also mods with structures should work fine.For example Reccurent Complex spawns its structures right.

Climate: temperature and humidity of every biome matches it's climate zone and characteristics, but depends on it's "parental" biome, if it is virtual.However, I did my best to make all significant swampy and mountainous biome of every climate zone to have real id and corresponding forge dictionary tags, as well as humidity and temperature.That should help other mods to spawn their "swampy" or "mountain" things and entities right.

Please, check biome with /otg biome -d or /otg biome -f command to understand it's climate better.It will help with forestry bees, for example.

Biome mods: this is a bit harder. I mentioned all used ids in the "IMPORTANT" section, or you may use TellMe mod to do dumps by yourself.Theoretically, problems with biome mods start, when it comes to id conflict.If you will change ids of biome mod to not conflict with TD, it will prevent messing biomes and crashes.Of course,biome mod's biomes will not appear in TD world.If a biome mod has too many biome ids (more then free ids from your dump), it shouldn't be used with TD.However, I can't 100% say that they will work right together, but TD works absolutely fine with Thaumcraft, which adds biomes too.Give it a try!

Ores: as I can see, there should not be any issues with ore generation, if it also works on forge tags.

Nature Compass mod:

With OTG v8+ Nature Compass is working  bad with all vanilla biomes.You will not be able to find them.

...yes,it may be used with TD.If you set render distance far(more then 9+ or something near,15+ sure), you may suffer from:

"torn out" chunks while using the compass (I think it maybe a result of desync between map generation and time while searching,something like that);
chunky holes to void in the place of your teleportation destination;
crashes and timeouts due to a very long time of searching(you can use mod Random Patches to prevent this);
freezes due to eternal loop error;
or compass will simply not find the needed biome or will not do it right.

- with render distance at about 9 I haven't got problems very often, but I'm not sure, what anybody else can have;
- all these nasty things in most cases can be fixed by restarting game or deleting "region" folder of your world.You will lose everything man-made in that world if you delete "region", this action totally regenerates the terrain!

You should understand,that NatureCompass doesn't show virtual biomes.Search for some "real" biomes from the same biome group (climate zone) and then use other methods of searching.

Anyway, I will check TD soon in modpacks, so this section may be updating.


Firstly, I want to thank you all, ladies and gentlemen, who made all those wonderful objects, that I used to represent in TD.It would never have been so beautiful without your creations!

Honestly, those trees became my inspiration, and I was dreaming to make a random world generation mod with them for a long time.

For converting schematics and .bo2 I used:



Most objects, represented in TD, were remade to better fit it's atmoshere and my taste.Sometimes they were changed a lot, almost 50% of a tree can be done by myself, but I don't own them,of course.

Here is the rough list of trees,that were changed so much, that may be not recognised by their original creators:

Redwood Forest trees: newred1-3; original creator: Springstof;
Mega Spruce Taiga trees: bigspruce 11-17; original creators: DonStodge, MrWizz;
Forest trees: forest4-7; original creator: black egg;
Dawn Redwood Forest trees: dawnred1-4; original creator: FeH2;
Jungle Swampy Rainforest: rainl1,2; original creator: FeH2.

Some objects I made by myself,you can see the list of them below:

stone formations and arcs: arc2,4-12 ; biome: Cold Dimmuborgir etc;
stone plates: plate1-4 ; biome: Arid Stone Plates etc;
birch slim trees: birchdecid1-4 ; biome: Birch Forest etc;
birch high bushes: birchbigbush1,2: biome: Birch Forest etc;
smaller birch trees: Birch1-4; biome: Autumnal Mountain etc;
decideous trees: decid1-4 ; biome: Decideous Forest etc;
high oak bushes: bigoakbush1,2 ; biome: Decideous Forest etc;
small crooky cedars: mountcedar1-7 ; biome: East Pillar Valley etc;
diorite pools: pool1,2 ; biome : Warm Thermal Terrace;
selva trees: selva1jungle, selva2jungle,selva3jungle ; biome: Jungle Selva;
ice big plates: icebigplate1-6 ; biome: Ice Ocean;
ice small plates: iceplate1-4 ; biome: Ice Black Lake;
big firs: conny1-7 ; biome: Coniferous Forest;
volcano: volcano1,4,6 ; biome: Cold Volcanic Valley;
oak and spruce stumps: oakstump1,2 sprucestump1,2 ; biome: many forests and groves;
driftwood: trunkdr1,2 ; biome: Swampland M etc;
coal deposits: coal1,2,3 ; Swampland M etc;
small schrubs: schrubo1-3 ; biome: Warm Arid Plains etc.

Most objects were created and changed by hand, coniferous trees from Coniferous Forest were created with the help of Arbaro from Giant Trees bukkit plugin:
Giant Trees plugin

You should not claim those objects as yours under no circumstances.

Here is the list of all content creators, whose objects were used, with links:

by bidule995

by black egg

by CubeLeaf

by DonStodge

by Eremilion

by evilsketch

by exsilit

by FeH2

by GhostXavier

by Grimace449

by KatariaWolf

by kenofox

by Kimera

by Lemon-Fox

by lentebriesje

MassiveCraft Jungle Pack

by MrWizz

by Murokmakto

by NStalker

by Plutouthere

by Psykovsky

by smop95

by Springstof

by Wet

by wolftheninja

However,there is also one pack, that I downloaded (free to use) long time ago (at about 5 years ago). I bet I get it somewhere in the old Worldpainter or old Terrain Control forums.

Unfortunately, files from that pack doesn't contain any credits information, and now I could't find any working links to it's possible origin.I like those trees a lot,they look so much like Highlands or ExtraBiomesXL trees.The pack was called "bo2" and trees are in .bo2 format.That's all.Maybe I had renamed it,but I'm not sure.I don't claim them as mine,I'm really happy to use them in my project.You can find them in Woodlands and Green Lake, Green Fields, Green Valley, Jungle Eucalipti, Roofed Forest and in many other biomes.

If someone knows their author-please feel free to write down or give a link!

Screenshots were made with :

Traveler's Dream resource pack;
Thaumcraft mod;
Optifine mod;
shaders: Seus Renewed 1.0.0;

Journey Map mod;
Better Foliage mod.



  • remade leaves for Coniferous Forest trees to be only oak;
  • fixed foliage colors for Birch Forest/Hills/Hillfoot;
  • removed rivers from Birch Forest/Temp Mixed Forest/Decideous Forest Hillfoot,which caused ugly steps and pits;
  • Unused biome Cold Red renamed to Snowy Red and used as "parent" for November Birch Forest and Snowy Tundra.November Birch Forest is now virtual biome;
  • Changed id range: for TD free ids: 205-255; for TTD: 207-255.


fixed OTG v8 syntax back to OTG v6.No more crashes, I hope)


fixed META-INF asking for Thaumcraft

v.1.2 - known issues, producing crashes with OTG v8+ fixed 

  • some forgotten unused biomes removed;
  • fixed Vines() resource spawn height.


  • "Jungle" trees spawn height and density changed;
  • Jungle Plains biome reworked;
  • Jungle Meadow biome reworked.