HT's TreeChop

HT's TreeChop


Crash while playing Triforge

WarrenOC opened this issue ยท 7 comments


I was getting into a modpack I found called Triforge (v1.5.2) and I went to cut down a tree that had some branches after it got to the second log up, where the branches were, it crashed. The modpack uses 1.18.2-0.15.7 If anymore information is needed I would be glad to provide it.


Thanks for reporting! Could you share some log files? You can find them through the Minecraft launcher:


then find these folders:


then find logs and crash reports that might have been generated when the game crashed. debug.log, latest.log, whatever you can find that mentions a "crash" or "error". If you're not sure, you can send everything.

You could also try manually updating TreeChop to 0.15.8 and see if that helps. My bad, 0.15.8 is not available on 1.18.2.


Sorry for taking so long I've been quite busy. Also thank you for the guide I wish more people did stuff like that. (I use PolyMC though lol)


Sorry, forgot about this... Thanks for the logs! Turning off the chop indicator might prevent the crash. I probably won't be able to fix the root issue for a week or two.


Note to self: in ht.treechop.client.gui.util.Sprite. line 40-ish, RenderSystem.setShader(GameRenderer::getPositionTexShader); , GameRenderer::getPositionTexShader is probably the culprit.

Game crashes because com.mojang.blaze3d.vertex.BufferUploader line 88 ShaderInstance shaderinstance = RenderSystem.getShader(); is null.


Also, I'd guess that the crash is happening because of a graphics-related mod (shaders, fps boosters, etc.). Does the game crash every time something gets "chopped"? Or maybe only for specific types of log blocks? Any context like that would help a lot.


I haven't been on for a while but no it does not crash every time it was once but I had to make a new world afterwords. Also I don't remember what mods were in the pack before because it just got a massive overhaul. As of now the mods that seem to match your description are: BetterFPS, CamerOverhaul(Maybe, i dont think tho), Connected Textures Mod, Flywheel, GeckoLib, Radium Reforged, Rubidium, Rubidum Extra, and Iris. If some of these mods make no sense at all to be causing the problem I literally just put every mod that said rendering or was a fork of something I knew was for rendering, I don't actually know what they do.


The crash is most likely related to Iris. Compatibility with Sodium + Iris was added in treechop 0.16.1 for minecraft 1.18.2. It completely changes how chopped logs are rendered, so most likely this is fixed. The latest version of triforge "2.4 Beta" uses treechop 0.16.3