HT's TreeChop

HT's TreeChop


Logs without a stripped version

WenXin20 opened this issue · 5 comments


Logs without a stripped log would probably look better if the chopped log used the regular log texture/model if no stripped version exists.
Such as with the crystallized tree from Blue Skies, found by growing crystal flowers in the crystal dunes in the Everdawn dimension. It looks quite odd with a stripped oak texture.



Hi, sorry I just saw this
In the other issue I made, you could see that the bamboo tree also had the same problem. It happened with all of them until I rejoined my world on the server. Or maybe after the server was restarted. I don't remember anymore. It could possibly be a server issue.


Update - it seems that after the first chop, it then started using the log texture.
Guess its not an issue then


Thanks for reporting! The oak texture on the first chop is still concerning, so I’ll get that fixed. Mind if I ask some questions?

  • Does it always use the wrong texture for those crystal trees on first chop?
  • Does quitting and rejoining the world fix the texture?



A handful of texture issues (including #155) should be fixed in 0.17.3, including support for transparent textures. So, the "logs without a stripped version" issue should be fixed, so I'll close this issue. Sometimes after starting the game, the first chop seems to have the wrong texture still, but let's use #157 to track that issue. Thanks for your help, keep the reports coming :)