HT's TreeChop

HT's TreeChop


Player Missing Chop Settings

PhunghisKhan opened this issue ยท 4 comments


I'm noticing this error/warn message that pops up when a player respawns after a death.

[treechop/]: Player ServerPlayer['User'/35603, l='ServerLevel[world]', x=-1470.89, y=13.00, z=-765.30, removed=KILLED] is missing chop settings

I replaced the username and world for privacy

This warning always pops up AFTER a player clicks respawn.

I have a few mods on here but the ones that affect dying and respawning is PlayerRevive, I also have keepInventory after death set to true.

I saw on issue opened about this but never resolved, I apologize if this has already been dealt with.

Thanks in advance!

Also wanted to add that this hasn't effected anything else in terms of mechanics or gameplay. It is an error that I just wanted to check to see if it can be explained. All players can still access the treechop menu.


Hey, thanks for reporting. What versions of Minecraft & TreeChop is this happening on?


Thanks for looking into this!

It's a 1.19.2 MC server, version of HT Tree chop is...



Sorry, it's been fixed in 1.19.4+ but not yet for 1.19.2. It'll come

Also wanted to add that this hasn't effected anything else in terms of mechanics or gameplay. It is an error that I just wanted to check to see if it can be explained. All players can still access the treechop menu.

Thanks for sharing - it's possible that player chop settings are getting reset on death, but I think that's the worst that could happen


Fixed in 1.19.2 as of treechop 1.18.3