HT's TreeChop

HT's TreeChop


Server Crashing On Final Chop

bolemangaming opened this issue ยท 7 comments


This mod alone is causing my server to crash on the final stage of the chopping after completion.
Works in single player mode though.

Server Setup
i7-7700k CPU
25gb Ram
1.20.1 Fabric


Nice, thanks! I'm always on the lookout for adding compatibility with other mods, so do let me know if you have any requests :)


Sorry about that. Could you share a crash log?


Hey, thanks for the log! I see the error, I'll get it fixed right away


I'm having the same issue, granted, my server is running approx 74 mods. This is my first time reporting a crash, so unsure of what crash log files are needed. Attached is the file that seems the most relevant.

I should also mention that this is Forge version 47.13, game version 1.20.1, and file version TreeChop-1.20.1-forge-0.18.0.jar



I've posted a new 1.20.1 version (0.18.1) on CurseForge, it should be available in a few minutes. 1.19.4 will follow


Appreciate the prompt response!


Appreciate the fix! The Fabric version is working very well with my other 27 mods.

Listed below to show you the compatibility!

  1. Immersive Portals
  2. Visual Overhaul
  3. Diagonal Fences
  4. Connectible Chains
  5. Visual Workbench
  6. Universal Bone Meal
  7. Not enough animations
  8. Interactic
  9. Falling leaves (particle effect)
  10. Enchantment Descriptions
  11. Apple Skin
  12. Zoomify
  13. ShowMeWhatYouGot
  14. River Redux
  15. Rare Ice
  16. Horse Stats
  17. Geophilic
  18. Furnace Recycle
  19. Friends and Foes
  20. Feeding Trough
  21. Easy Shulker Box
  22. Easy Magic
  23. Easy Anvils
  24. Creeper Overhaul
  25. Crafting UI Tweaks
  26. Chunky
  27. Axes Are Weapons
  28. Amplified nether