HT's TreeChop

HT's TreeChop


Add server-side config override for "onlyBreakTreesWithLeaves".

Enantiomorph opened this issue · 2 comments


As an administrator I would like to be able to disable this functionality for all players on the server.


Sorry for taking so long. I’m fleshing out the “permissions” section of the server config to allow the server to override gameplay-related settings. It’ll look something like this:

        canBeTrue = true
        canBeFalse = true

        canBeTrue = true
        canBeFalse = true

Note that “onlyBreakTreesWithLeaves” has changed to “treesMustHaveLeaves”. So if you want to force “treesMustHaveLeaves = true”, just set “canBeFalse = false” (or set “canBeTrue = false” to force “treesMustHaveLeaves = false” for players). It’s set up this way to accommodate options that have more than two possible values.

I want to fix a few bugs before I release a new version, so it’s not out yet.


Version 0,14,0 adds configurable permissions. Sorry for the wait! It's only for 1.16.4 right now, but it will make it's way to the 1.12.2 version soon.