HT's TreeChop

HT's TreeChop


TreeChop not working/buggy behavior

CalaMariGold opened this issue · 7 comments


1.12.2, Forge 2855, TreeChop v0.14.1

Vanilla tree, vanilla iron axe

Tree indicator shows up but no chopping/felling. Using default configs, chopping and felling are both enabled

Mod list here:

2021-06-21_14 57 21
2021-06-21_14 57 27


I think this has the same issue from here #81 ?

I recognize calamari as the creator of RoTN and I know RoTN uses extended days mod as well if I recall correctly. I don't know if the image attached here is from RoTN or not. But I have confirmed this happens at certain period when extended days doing it's thing and then resume after when extended days continue/unfreezes the time.


Extended days was causing the issue. The conflict is fixed as of 0.14.6


Thanks for reporting this! Could you provide me with a recent log file, such as logs/latest.log?

Also, have you tried changing any of TreeChop’s in-game settings (opened by pressing m by default)? Specifically, toggling settings like “trees must have leaves”. It would help me a lot to know if the bug seems to be related to a particular setting.


I have tried many combinations of the options in the treechop menu.


Thanks for the log. Hm. I don't see anything in it that would explain this issue. I'll have to reproduce this myself, hopefully sometime tomorrow.


I should add that I wasn’t able to personally test your modpack with the update; my Minecraft 1.12 installation is all messed up right now and crashes on startup for some mods. So please let me know if any issues persist.