HT's TreeChop

HT's TreeChop


Server crash when using terrasteel axe from botania

SirChubb opened this issue · 4 comments


Server crashes every time my friend uses his terrasteel axe to cut trees down when he has this mod enabled. If he deactivates it with the hotkey there are no problems. Only noticed this problem since we updated the MC Eternal modpack from 1.4.4 to 1.5. The mods of the MCEternal told me to post here as well.


Thanks for reporting. I’ll look into this soon


Sorry for the wait. A quick fix is to open the config/treechop-common.toml file and add "botania:terra_axe" to the list under the [compatibility.general.blacklist] section, like this:

			#Whether the listed items should be blacklisted or whitelisted
			#Allowed Values: BLACKLIST, WHITELIST
			blacklistOrWhitelist = "BLACKLIST"
			#List of item registry names (mod:item), tags (#mod:tag), and namespaces (@mod) for items that should not chop when used to break a log
			#- Items in this list that have special support for TreeChop will not be blacklisted; see
			items = ["botania:terra_axe", "mekanism:atomic_disassembler", "@lumberjack", "practicaltools:iron_greataxe", "practicaltools:golden_greataxe", "practicaltools:diamond_greataxe", "practicaltools:netherite_greataxe"]

I'll update the mod soon and add the terra axe to the blacklist by default


The blacklist is updated as of 0.14.6. If you do update the mod, be sure to delete the treechop-common.toml file so the fix gets applied