Immersive Vehicles Trin Part Pack

Immersive Vehicles Trin Part Pack


Trin - The Trims Of Freedom

Trin & UNU compatible
Immersive Vehicles is a Minecraft mod that allows you to download vehicles pack (planes, cars, and much more).

Trin, one of the greatest fictional Immersive Vehicle brand is here to present to you its inventory of engines, seats, wheels, decors, and way more parts! This is an Immersive Vehicle pack that adds to the game over 171 new decors to decorate your builds, over 27 gauges for your cars, over 36 new LEDS and lights to tune your ride, over 27 new seats, 22 engines, 14 wheels to customize your car, and way more gadgets & parts!

NOTE: Trin Part Pack do not add any vehicle! For vehicles, use Trin Civil Pack or other vehicle packs.

Trin being expending to all vehicular markets, also has the chance to offer those packs:

-          Trin Emergency Pack:

-          Trin Civil Pack V3:

-           Trin Civil Pack V2:

Feedback and bug reports are welcomed! You are more than welcomed to use Trin Packs through servers or mod packs.

You can have more and better info (like planned vehicles, games, a way to order custom liveries and more) in the Trin official Discord: