This is a fabric-only mod that aims to recreate the atmosphere of classic magic mods. It is inspired by historical alchemy, and will have strong emphasis on visuals and automation.
Currently Pre-Alpha - Incomplete, but showcases some of the ever increasing number of blocks, items, and worldgen features.
This mod requires TerraBlender. Download it here:
Additionally, due to changes since Minecraft 1.18, biome modifications are currently incompatible with other biome mods/datapacks.
- Automatable alchemy for extracting energy from materials
- Wisps, sentient beings that grant the player abilities and control the balance of the world
- Staves with selectable foci - a unique tool and weapon system
- World generation - resources, biomes, tree types, and structures
- Progression based on exploration and crafting (rather than scanning and research)
- A really special book that hints at lore and progression as the player discovers more
- Good looking blocks - loads of wood types, building blocks, furniture, and lighting options
- Really cool effects for staves, alchemy, and wherever else I can make something look good
- Actual alchemy - many features are direct implementations of ancient scientific tools and terminology
- BiomesOP - foliage and custom biome implementation
- Thaumcraft - what magic mod isn't?
- Six new tree types with entirely custom (but work-in-progress) generation
- Their respective log/wood/stripped variants, leaves, plank variants, stairs, and slabs
- Some worldgen (one custom biome)
- Crafting recipes, furnace recipes, and blast furnace recipes
- Base models and texture work
- When will this be done?
Not sure. I'm a novice modder and life is a thing. Major updates will be on my YouTube channel; in the meantime, you can always check commits.
- Will you support older Minecraft versions?
This mod depends on features from 1.17 and the upcoming 1.19 update, so, no.
- Can you implement X feature?
Maybe! I'm always open to suggestions. There will eventually be a Discord server to make this process easier.
- Did X feature rip off Y mod?
Probably not. Each feature was designed from a blank slate with tons of historical research. For this reason, many concepts and terminology overlap other mods.
- Will this be available for Forge?