Turbo Curse

Turbo Curse



"Turbo Curse" is a mod based on the "DanDaDan" series.

This mod has the main focus of bringing Turbo Granny to the game and her abilities.

('GeckoLib' is required)

Available Content (currently):

- Turbo Granny: The main character of the mod, face her and win to receive her mask and access to her strength;

- Turbo Granny (Cat): Turbo Granny's weakened and cowardly form, but it is still possible to transform her into her powerful form again;

- Turbo Mask: Turbo Granny's drop, which grants access to her strength and speed;

- Golden Ball: An exotic item that carries a mysterious power, give it to Turbo Granny Cat to return her original power.

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