




This mod allows you to find red grass all across your world, and you can pull these out to get a turnip out of them!

Red grass all over the place!!

This red grass contains vegetables in them, RIGHT CLICK them to pull out these vegetables and you can throw them at enemies to do damage!

There's many variations of these vegetables but there are specifically 2 different unique kinds, UNRIPED and RIPED vegetables! All of these vegetables however are ones you would find from SMB2!

UNRIPED vegetables will do a bit of damage to anyone that you throw it at while RIPED vegetables are big and strong, they will do some good damage to any enemies you come across! There's a random chance to get any of these so you'll never know what you'll be getting out of these!

Feel like you've been pulling out too much of these? You can break the grass and get seeds from them, these seeds can be planted anywhere, even underground!

This is a very simple mod, not much I can really say.
