Strange how some blocks are missing in Twilight Forest even though it looks like they would be AMAZING additions?
This addon mod introduces the missing blocks as well as making Towerwood a fully-fledged wood type! Over 50 new blocks have been added, so this should be plenty for builders!
List of new blocks:
- Aurora Stairs and Walls (Tintable!)
- Auroralized Glass Panes
- Castle Brick Slabs and Walls (+ Bold, Encased, and Mossy variant)
- Deadrock Slabs and Stairs (+ Cracked & Weathered)
- Towerwood Slabs, Stairs, Fences, Fence Gates, Doors, Trapdoors, Pressure Plates, Buttons, Signs, and Banisters
- Mossy Towerwood Slabs and Stairs
- Mazestone Slabs, Stairs, and Walls (+ Cut, Brick, and Mossy Brick variant)
- Nagastone Slabs (Left & Right variant)
- Underbrick Slabs, Stairs, and Walls (+ Mossy variant)
This addon requires having the Twilight Forest mod installed to function.
You may add this to your modpack as long as you give credit! :)
You may port this mod to Fabric if you desire. It will mean a lot!