Twilight Tweaks

Twilight Tweaks


Twilight Tweaks is an addon mod that adds configurable features to The Twilight Forest mod.

1#: The final boss spawner now has a function: By default it runs a mcfunction that spawns a very strong husk with reinforcements, but you can set the config to make it summon any mob from any mod you want or run any command you want. This is mostly intended for modpack creation, but the boss that is summoned by default without changing any settings should be a challenge to most players. (Unless you're using really strong items from other mods).

(In 1.12 mcfuntions can not be added the same way with a mod, so by default it runs a very long command instead)

 1.16-And down: (version higher than this have these features in the base mod)

2# What mobs the transformation powder effects is now configurable. Again, this is mostly for pack creation and won't change anything on it's own. You configure it with the config file.

3# The uncrafting table now has JEI support and custom recipe support. The mod comes with a few example recipes that you can base new ones on with your own datapack. The recipes are almost the same as vanilla ones, with the exception that you can set if the recipe overrides others and what the exp cost of the recipe is.


1.12 also has CraftTweaker support, which you can use to add Uncrafting recipes of your own to the game. I recommend using the guide
The methods added are:

#1 ".addRecipe(boolean Replace, int Cost, IIngredient[][] Output, IIngredient Input)" lets you add a new recipe for uncrafting an item.

-Replace dictates if the new recipe will prevent the player from uncrafting the item in any other way.

-Cost dictates how many levels the recipe will consume to uncraft

-Output is a two dimensional array of ingredients that you get from unrafting this recipe

-Input is the item that needs to be uncrafted

Example:  This will make a new uncrafting recipe that lets the player uncraft 3 apples into 9 carrots at the cost of 2 levels.

import crafttweaker.item.IIngredient;

val appleInput = <minecraft:apple> * 3;

val carrotOutput = [[<minecraft:carrot>, <minecraft:carrot>, <minecraft:carrot>],

                               [<minecraft:carrot>, <minecraft:carrot>, <minecraft:carrot>],

                               [<minecraft:carrot>, <minecraft:carrot>, <minecraft:carrot>]] as IIngredient[][];

mods.twilighttweaks.uncrafting.addRecipe(false, 2, carrotOutput, appleInput);

#2 ".removeDefaultRecipes(boolean[] toKeep)" lets you remove any of the 5 default uncrafting recipes that are unique to this mod, I've added this just in case, since the #1 method can not replace them

-toKeep is an array of 5 bolleans. Each one represents a default uncrafting recipe. True means the recipe is enabled and false disables it. The recipes are, in the same order:

Slightly Damaged Anvil uncrafting recipe
Very Damaged Anvil uncrafting recipe
Knightmetal Ingot uncrafting recipe
Tipped Arrow uncrafting recipe
Written Book uncrafting recipe

Example:  This will disable the second and third default recipe. You have to list all 5 booleans, or else it won't work.

val boolArray = [true, false, false, true, true] as bool[];


#3 ".banUncraft(IItemStack input)" This let's you ban an item from being uncrafted. Any recipe that you add with #1 will ignore this ban.

-input is the item you don't want players to uncraft.

Example:  This will prevent the Magic Map Focus from being uncraftable.

import crafttweaker.item.IIngredient;
