Ultimate Solar Panels

Ultimate Solar Panels


The Ultimate Solar Panels brings the old-school Advanced Solar Panels mod with its addon Super Solar Panels back in the newest Version of Minecraft. You can enjoy the incredible crafting recipes of the Solar Panels.

The Production of the Solar Panels is messured in "efficiency" from 0-100%. The Factors are: Day/Night, Rain(-30%)/Thunder(-100%), Moonphase Factor (+0-40%) and Lux (+100%).

Note: This a complete standalone Mod! Code is completely made by me! IC² is not needed to install! The sort of energy is Forge Energy (FE).

There are 9 diffrent Solar Panels in this mod: Solar Panel, Advanced Solar Panel, Hybrid Solar Panel, Ultimate Hybrid Solar Panel, Quantum Solar Panel, Spectral Solar Panel, Singular Solar Panel, Light-Absorbing Solar Panel and finally the Photonic Solar Panel.

  1. Solar Panel:                                 Max: 4 FE/t;                       Storage: 40000 FE;              Lux Storage: 100mb
  2. Advanced Solar Panel:             Max: 128 FE/t;                   Storage: 128.000 FE;           Lux Storage: 250mb
  3. Hybrid Solar Panel:                    Max: 256 FE/t;                   Storage: 400.000 FE;           Lux Storage: 750mb
  4. Ultimate Hybrid Solar Panel:   Max: 2.048 FE/t;                Storage: 4.000.000 FE;        Lux Storage: 1.500mb
  5. Quantum Solar Panel:              Max: 32.768 FE/t;              Storage: 40.000.000 FE;      Lux Storage: 3.000mb
  6. Spectral Solar Panel:               Max: 131.072 FE/t;            Storage: 400.000.000 FE;    Lux Storage: 6.000mb
  7. Singular Solar Panel:               Max: 1.048.576 FE/t;         Storage: FE; Lux Storage: 12.000mb
  8. Light Absorbing Solar Panel: Max: 4.194.304 FE/t;         Storage: FE; Lux Storage: 24.000mb
  9. Photonic Solar Panel: Max:    Max: 2.147.483.647 FE/t; Storage: 2.147.483.647 FE; Lux Storage: 48.000mb

Molecular Transformer now included!

Mod is inspired by denfop & Chocohead. The Super Solar Panels && Industrial UpgradeAdvanced Solar Panels mod also adds tons of cool machines and Solar Panels for IC².

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