


A simple mod that will be driven by the community that adds new stuff to the end and more...

If you want to be part of the people who drive this mod to success just comment on this mod and I will bring your ideas into the game (nothing crazy only stuff that makes sense.)


Once you enter the end you will need to mine between Y level 0 and 44 to find the new ore added to the dimension, Ultimator Ore.

This ore will drop a Ultimator Ingot which can be used in the smithing table along with a netherite sword to upgrade to a Ultimatory Sword.

A crusher can be made by placing 3 iron ingots on each side of the crafting table totalling to 6 iron ingots and then  2 stone slabs in the top and bottom middle section,

and a cobblestone wall in the middle.

The crusher can be used to crush Ultimator Ingots into Ultimator Dust.

A spawner can be broken for a chance to get spawner fragments which can be combined with iron bars in the crafting table to make a spawner

A spawner can be crafted with 5 iron bars in the pattern that gunpowder takes when crafting tnt and then 4 spawner fragments surrounding the middle iron bar.

When a zombie, skeleton, spider or cave spider is killed they have a chance to drop their soul which when combined with 1 spawner fragment at the top middle, the soul in the middle and an egg below it,

gives you the specific spawn egg of that mob so that you can use it with a spawner or so that its an easy way of transporting those mobs where you need them.

---------------------------------------------------Other Information---------------------------------------------------

Remember that this is a work in progress and won't really be updated after the first few months but if you have any ideas leave them down in the comments and I will look them through.