Ultra Amplified Dimension (Forge)

Ultra Amplified Dimension (Forge)

Spooky Swamp

Spooky Swamp

Find Swamp biomes with stranger looking trees, crosses, and Witch Huts! Sometimes, a Woodland Mansion may be here as well. The mucky watery terrain can be utilized for getting downward safely!
Village in Flower Forest

Village in Flower Forest

Even in UAD's dimension, Villagers still try to make themselves at home with varying degrees of success. Maybe you can help connect their islands together so they can gather once again!
Basalt Deltas, Nether Wastes, Soul Sand Valle

Basalt Deltas, Nether Wastes, Soul Sand Valle

The other 3 Nether biomes do make their appearances as well with Nether Wastes upgraded with Gravel patches and more Magma Blocks! Be careful of the excess lava!
Bamboo Jungle

Bamboo Jungle

A Stoneghenge structure within a Bamboo Jungle. There's always water at sealevel in this world so sometimes, there may be a clear path for you to jump down from high up like here!
Cave Cavity with Mineshaft

Cave Cavity with Mineshaft

Scattered underground are massive rooms filled with lava, stalactite, and pillars. this one has a Mineshaft at the top to explore!
 Towering Mansions in large Dark Forests

Towering Mansions in large Dark Forests

Mansions do spawn in this world and often tower above everything ominously! This variant of Dark Forest also has even bigger Dark Oak trees and is much more dense in trees. Being below the treeline can be scary...
Ultra Amplified Portal

Ultra Amplified Portal

Using 8 Polished Granite, 10 Polished Andesite Slabs, and 1 Polished Diorite, you can make this portal to jump in and out of this mod's dimension! Right click the Diorite with Flint and Steel to activate the portal and right click the portal to teleport!
Sun Shrine in Tall Birch Forest

Sun Shrine in Tall Birch Forest

The most rarest structure in UAD is the Sun Shrine. They give you a Speed Boost when nearby as a gift but don't try to vandalize the shrine! You might regret it...
Ice Spike Temple

Ice Spike Temple

In the coldest parts of the dimension, a rare hidden Ice Spike Temple can be found in Ice Spike biome! keep watch for the Iced Terrain biome nearby as while they are completely ice, there are sometimes Lapis Blocks hidden inside!
Hanging Ruins in Rocky Fields

Hanging Ruins in Rocky Fields

UAD's equivalent of the Overworld's Mountains biome is the Rocky Fields biomes! In nearly all biomes, you might find Hanging Ruins which has helpful loot! But beware, they have a dangerous inhabitant...
Desert Temples, Spiky Badlands, Jungle

Desert Temples, Spiky Badlands, Jungle

Yes, Desert and Jungle Temples do spawn as well! And Badlands have many forms here including a rare woods variant as well. Notice the new larger cactus that spawns in UAD's Desert and Badlands! And in the back is the large Jungle biome.
Mushroom Temple

Mushroom Temple

Mushroom biomes aren't super common but when they do spawn, Mushroom Temple are all over the place! Be sure to explore every inch of the temple as there's some secrets with it...
Crimson and Warped Forest

Crimson and Warped Forest

Between the layers of land in this picture, the Crimson and Warped Forests make their beautiful appearance in this crazy dimension!
End City in End Fields biome

End City in End Fields biome

The End has wormed its way into UAD's dimension! The top half of the biome is filled with strange colored grass and End Cities while underground is completely End Stone!
Desert Lakes

Desert Lakes

The Desert Lakes biome is basically a desert version of UAD's Swamp biome. They are a great source of Sugar Cane!
Frozen Ocean

Frozen Ocean

The Frozen Oceans are filled with crazy amounts of Icebergs. They are a great source of all ice but be sure to stay warm!
Giant Spruce Taiga Pillars biome

Giant Spruce Taiga Pillars biome

A variant of the Giant Tree Taiga biome with massive pillars of boulders! They are a great source of easy Coal and Iron Ores!
Ocean biomes

Ocean biomes

This images show one of UAD's most unique biomes, the oceans! For all ocean biomes, the land is hollowed out with water and makes traversing the land very strange but awesome! Keep watch for Ruins and Shipwrecks!
Tall Birch Forests

Tall Birch Forests

Scattered around the world are forests composed of massive Birch Trees! They can be quite the pretty sight!
Shattered Savanna Terrace

Shattered Savanna Terrace

Savanna biomes have a form that forms walls below their islands and makes it quite tricky to traverse. But it is super cool to see!
Ocean Monument in Warm Ocean

Ocean Monument in Warm Ocean

At the bottom of ocean biomes, you might find an Ocean Monument in a pit! This one is covered in Warm Ocean's coral! Also, there may be other secrets on the ocean floor so look for anything strange!
Ravine Maze

Ravine Maze

Below sealevel, you will find a massive, seemingly endless maze of Ravines with no end! Be careful, mobs love to hang at the top and ambush weary miners!